Zombie Pt.4 ~ Prinxiety

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"It's behaving perfectly," Janus had said. "It won't be a problem."

So that was a fucking lie.

It was midnight and Roman was on 'zombie duty'. He had been up for at least an hour after Janus clocked off, and his eyes were drooping already. On the other hand, Purple seemed wide awake and anxious. 

He was pacing up and down the small, several-storey parking lot at floor seven they had dropped in like he was a tiger in a zoo, sticking firmly to the windows, growling lowly. It was almost maddening. Roman was too tired to keep his eyes on him at all time, no matter how familiar the zombie looked. Purple scrambled over an old car left there which started to wail noisily. Roman cursed at the noise, covering his ears, and it sounded like the others did not appreciate Purple's' behaviour.

"That fucking zombie!" Shouted Logan's' muffled voice above everyone else's' groan.

And Purple sure as hell wasn't done. From where he perched cat-like on-top of the wailing car, he jumped onto another and smashed the glass with a well-aimed punch, causing that too to beep loudly.

"What's going on?" Asked Patton, rushing out from the caravan with sleepy eyes.

"I have no idea!" Roman promised, still covering his ears as Purple added a third alarm to the racket that was going on. "He- I mean, it just started jumping on the cars, I didn't have time to stop him!"

Logan stormed from the caravan. "For crying out loud," He was snapping furiously as he marched to Purple. He caught the zombie in mid-air as he leapt to another car, wrestling him to the ground. Not that the zombie gave up, no: Purple still lunged desperately at the other car, managing to bite his teeth into the wheel, the sudden burst of air throwing both he and Logan backwards.

Automatically, Logan let go, to protect his own head, and Purple scrambled away, picking up the car with the burst wheel, pushing it up to a small gap in the wall which opened up on the street below.

"What the hell is it doing?" Thomas exclaimed, Roman now noticing that the other three had emerged too.

With a grunt, Purple shoved the car out of the window after seconds of hard trying. It had only just begun tumbling away when it exploded. None of the humans moved as the building they were in shook and swayed with the force of the explosion. Purple was up on the window, throwing rocks down into the abyss, hissing and spitting.

Everyone was too shocked but Janus began to make his way forwards, creeping his way up to Purple.

"Are cars supposed to explode like that?" Remus asked.

Janus peered out of the car park and panicked. "Zombies!" He exclaimed. "Packs of them!"

"It was trying to warn us..." Logan said, stunned and still a little dazed as he stared up at Purple, who still focused only on the horde of zombies seven stories below them.

"Incredible," Breathed Roman.

"Yes, yes, how special, how cool, now can we turn our attention back to how we're going to escape a zombie army?!" Janus shrieked, jolting his friends back to reality as he snatched Purple's' leash, yanking him away from the wall and back to the ground.

Thomas grinned, forcing back exhaustion. "Good thing I used to play a lot of Mario Kart."


"How does playing Mario Kart help you do this?!" Logan screamed as Thomas flew the caravan over another rooftop.

"Because it does!" Thomas answered with an inane grin on his face.

"We're all gonna die!" Remus crowed happily.

What Thomas was doing was running the caravan at top speeds, which gave them just enough of a run up to fly - temporarily - over the gaps between the buildings. They soared and then landed bumpily, and Roman had never wanted to be sick more in his life. Purple was being held by Patton now, and the two were pretending everything was completely fine as Patton clung to the cupboard doors and Purple bounced up and down on the floor.

And it wasn't even like the threat of zombies was gone yet. These things were resilient and had begun to chase after them on the ground, a few even chasing behind them, jumping along with the car.

One latched onto a window and it looked from Janus to Virgil, as if confused, before it's' eyes settled on Virgil. It tried to break through the window but, just then, Thomas made another leap and it fell off.

"I want it engraved on my tombstone that I hate all of you when this goes horribly wrong!" Janus shouted.

"This is harder then it looks, shut up!" Thomas replied as they just made their biggest jump yet.

"Says you," Groaned Roman from where he was sheltering in the tiny bathroom.

Thomas's' knuckles were white and his eyes were wide and crazy as they approached a sheer drop. "Hold on!" He screamed and the caravan ran out of ground. It soared gracefully for a second, wheels whirring in the night, before beginning to nosedive towards the earth.

It landed badly on a lower roof and Thomas ignored the smoke from the hood as he charged again to the next lowest point he could find. Eventually, they landed on the ground. Solid, tough, ground.

"Thank god," Breathed Janus, slumping against the seats.

"I'd like to say something," Thomas said. "I had no idea what I was doing."

There was a moment of silence. "Why, you little bi-!" Logan began.

"Logan, language!" Patton shouted.

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