A Prince And His Stable Boy ~ Prinxiety

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TW: Remus being... well, Remus.

Roman was thirteen when he met the love of his life. The moment he had seen him, he had decided that one was his. Unluckily for him, though, his lover had been sent away to a boarding school and had been there for the past five years, after the two turned fifteen. Luckily for him, he could spend a lot of time with his future husband because he would be coming back today and would probably run into Roman again, being the prince's' stable boy, and all.

Yes, Roman Milton was just a lowly stable boy, completely head-over-heels for the dark, brooding, sarcastic, incredibly hot Prince Virgil.

They had first met on a hot, shining day in summer. Roman liked daydreaming about it from time to time, especially when he was taking care of the prince's' stallion, who probably wanted to murder him or something.

Roman was gently sponging down the horse as his mind wandered back to that day...

"Father," a young Roman huffed. "There's really no point in me dressing up if I'm gonna go right back inside the stables again."

His father, Thomas, sighed loudly. "Yes, yes, I know. But today is special."

"Why? Oh, don't tell me we're gonna have to deal with some entitled squire boy, I swear, I'll die if I have someone tell me the saddle's too uncomfy again," Roman crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Like, I'm trying, okay?"

Thomas shook his head, trying stubbornly to brush a strand of Roman's' hair back in place. "No, Roman, this is more important than your average squire and it's a complete honour-"

"Who is it?"

A grin that Thomas had been struggling to hold in for the past hour burst across his face. "Prince Virgil. His fathers have decided it's time for him to have his own steed and he must learn how to ride it."

Roman blinked slowly as the news registered. "Woah, woah, woah, wait! The prince?! Like, here?! Holy theatre, why didn't you say so? Oh my god, I need to fix my hair! Well, don't just stand there, Father, hurry up and fix your clothes, you look like a mess!"

Thomas laughed shortly as his son shoved him inside the stables. Then, after two hours of Roman freaking out, they were finally finished, just in time for the prince's' arrival. Prince Virgil was thirteen, the same age as Roman, actually, and the stable boy had only ever caught glimpses of him. And by glimpses, he means glimpses.

Sometimes, he'd see a silhouette or a shadow, other times it would be a hand, or dark hair. The prince was just so elusive and  it encouraged Roman even more to get a proper look at him. So, that's why Roman instantly looked  Prince Virgil up and down when the other was in sight.

He was slim and looked quite light, his skin was incredibly pale, compared to Roman's' heavy tan. The prince's' hair was black than the sky between the stars and his eyes were a passionate shade of brown that were just utterly captivating. Small freckles graced his high cheekbones, and he looked a little like a sleep-deprived ghost.

Yep, Roman thought to himself. I'm in love.

Prince Virgil shot him an uninterested glance and the stable boy wanted to whimper at the fact he had been noticed, if even for a moment, by this devilish angel.

King Emile wrapped an arm around his son's' shoulders, looking at Roman's' father. "I'm sure you were told about our arrival, Mr Sanders?"

"I was, sir. My son, Roman, has prepared a selection of horses to demonstrate before the Prince, if they'd like to see them," Thomas replied politely. Roman's' stomach flipped at the idea.

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