Soulmates ~ Prinxiety

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The second in my collection of 'Soulmates' oneshots. This is the soulmate AU where you will one day wake up in your soulmate's' body and they wake up in yours but with a small twist for the purpose of storytelling. Once it happens, it reoccurs every year until the two soulmates finally kiss.

Also, quick credit to @ToffePanda for the idea of different languages used in here. She wanted it to be in the Demus oneshot but that was already written so... here.

Roman sat up with a yawn. For once, Remus wasn't screaming loudly in his ear and he relished it. He snuggled further down under his duvet, beginning to blink open his eyes. Instantly, he panicked. The room, instead of it's' usual 'prince' aesthetic was dark and emo. 

The walls were painted lavender and several black posters were stuck against it. He could see a dark wood desk pressed underneath a window on the opposite wall, with stationery and notebooks coating its' cover. Roman sat up, his original panic replaced with curiosity.

The sheets of this bed were indigo and a purple plaid quilt was kicked near his feet. Several jackets lay on the cream carpeted floor and, Roman noted, the bed sat in the centre of the room, his feet pointing towards the door and his heardboard tucked on the wall.

He grinned when he realised what was going on. "This is my soulmate's' room!" He said, aloud to himself.

He jumped up, stepping over the jackets to reach the wardrobe. He opened the door and saw a mirror attached to it and instantly checked his soulmate out.

His soulmate had black hair, the tips of it dyed bright purple. He had pale skin and big brown eyes that had dark bags underneath. His arms were surprisingly toned and Roman let out a low, admiring whistle before noticing something off. The clothes his soulmate had been wearing weren't weird. It was the text on his light purple tank top that was.

It said, 'Apporte-moi du café'.

Roman blinked at it. "Cafes... Huh. That's... odd."

But it didn't bother him much. He leaned closer into the mirror, trying to capture every feature of his soulmate's' face, so he could find him when they inevitably run into each other. It had to happen, right?

Roman opened the curtains of his soulmate's' bedroom and watched the sunlight pour in. This boy must live in the countryside because he saw fields and fields stretching out and even the sparkling sands and glistening blue sea of a beach.

His hand landed on a notebook and he glanced down it. The cover said, 'L'imagination est un cadeau'. Roman began to panic again.

"Oh, don't tell me-" He whispered, flicking it open. His heart dropped. "He doesn't speak English?!" He yelped in shock. This was rare, this was incredibly rare.

Almost sheepishly, Roman shut the notebook and awkwardly edged out of the bedroom, instantly walking into someone.

This person looked similar to his soulmate, with the same pale skin and black hair. The only difference was that his eyes were green and snake-like, and he was a little taller. "Bonjour, Virgil," He said to Roman. "Comment vas-tu?"

Roman stared at him, like an animal in the headlights, and the boy grew concered. "Virgil, ça va?"

It clicked in Roman's' head. His soulmate was French. And that just had to be the subject he always bunked off and never focused on. At least he knew enough to tell this person who he was without any confusion.

"Je non parle français?" He said brokenly.

"Tu t'es cogné la tête ou quelque chose comme ça?" He reached forwards to brush his hand against Roman's' forehead and Roman freaked out.

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