Lunch Boy -Demus

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TW: Swearing, toxic relationships, several mentions of vomiting, self deprication and fighting.

September, 3rd.

I saw you in the cafeteria. You're kinda cute, not gonna lie. You were fighting someone, so I'm sure he deserved it. You broke their nose and it was hilarious. Meanwhile, I had to sit with my brother who gossiped about this emo boy we saw on our summer holidays. I hope I can talk with you one day.

September, 5th.

You came into the cafeteria a little later today and, let me just say, you gave me such a better view than the jocks did. Like, damn, man. You had someone else with you and the two of you seemed pretty close. I gotta say, I hope you aren't dating him. He looks kinda familiar, too.

September, 9th.

For once, you didn't have that boy with you. He's really emo, did you notice that? I got in a fight with the same person you got in a fight six days ago. I hope you noticed, my brother scolded me though, so I hope you didn't notice that. That would be pretty awkward.

September, 12th.

Do you actually like the sandwich you had? I mean, seriously, dude, you left to go to the bathroom so I smelt your food and you had salmon in your sandwich! I really wanted to sniff the rest of your food but your emo friend saw me, mainly because he was still sitting at the table, and told me to scram. My brother was sooooo embarrassed.

September, 13th.

The emo boy and you kept looking at me weirdly from across the cafeteria. He was pointing a whole lot and the two of you were talking together. I think my brother believed the emo was talking about him. He's gotten quite a crush on him, y'know!

September, 18th.

You got moved to my science today. That means you're now in the top set. People get confused about how I'm good at science because it's complex and I'm an idiot. Honestly, I have no idea. I really hoped that the Professor would put you next to me because no one ever sits next to me but no. He put you next to Logan Croft. I hate Logan now. Which is a shame because he's honestly pretty cute. But you're hotter.

September, 20th.

My brother's holding a huge party for Halloween this year and I told him to invite you. He looked at me oddly, especially because I didn't give a name because I don't know your name and you should tell me your name even though I sniffed your sandwich a week or so ago. I'm a great guy, all my friends would say so if I had any. Although, at lunch, you weren't eating salmon. I should know, I took a picture of you to keep in case you moved schools or something and your sandwich was in the shot. It had cheese in it, I think.

Cheese is cool. I can forgive you for eating salmon if you eat cheese.

September, 24th.

So, brother didn't invite you, instead, he invited the emo boy and gave him a plus one offer. I hope emo boy takes you. Wait, no, I don't. I got those pictures of you on my phone, what if one of you get in? Would that ruin my shot with you? Whatever, it's not like I'll get them printed out or anything. I don't need to worry too much.

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