Zombie Pt.1 ~ Prinxiety

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The song isn't mandatory to listen to, but it inspired this little one shot, so I hope you listen to it. Also, this was originally going to be in one part, but I'm meeting up with a friend soon and wanted to give you guys something. Don't worry, I'll stay safe.

"Code purple, code purple! Go, go, go, get out, now!" Logan's' voice broke the late evening silence as he shouted the warning and the gang pelted from the ammunition store. It had been months since the zombie apocolypse had begun. Probably. None of them remembered, at least not exactly, how long it had been going on. Only Logan had an idea and that idea was that he was fairly sure it was October.

Roman swallowed. Code purple, code purple, code purple, his mind screamed at him. Code purple, one small voice in the back of his head sighed happily.

Janus cocked his gun with the latest ammunition and the half-zombie pressed his back against his boyfriends', Remus. Janus had nearly been turned a few months in, when he tripped but the zombie that was biting him was killed before the virus could properly spread.

See, that was something they had found out. The zombie transformation won't complete itself if the zombie turning is killed or lets go of its' victim mid-turn. They'll be stuck in a half zombie form, greenish skin by the bite and human limbs everywhere else. Logan had found it ncredibly curious. But that wasn't the point at the moment.

Patton bared his fists, biting his bottom lip and Roman pulled out a sword they had stolen from a mueseum when Roman's' weapons 'mysteriously' vanished overnight, thanks to a certain zombie that stalked them wherever they went.

Code purple was always caused by one zombie in particular. One in a purple patch-work jacket and had obviously been an emo when he was alive. None of the gang recognised him, but he was just always there. No matter how many states they crossed, or which aparmtent they hid in, the zombie would always be there.

They had tried to kill it multiple times. Jesus, when they were in Queens, they set the city on fire to escape the zombie but he showed up a week later. Although, the complete destruction of Queens had achieved one thing, and that was the zombie didn't get as close as he used to.

Code purple popped up in the door of the ammuntions shop, watching the gang. Janus raised his gun carefully but he didn't fire. None of them wanted to kill the zombies, especially if they could find a cure.

"Get back," Janus whispered threateningly, aiming through the scope, but the zombie nly took a step forward as the group stepped back.

It's' big brown eyes trailed across them all until it saw Roman. Then it watched him. It didn't move, it didn't blink. It just watched. Just as the zombie took a step forwards, Janus fired at it's' feet and code purple scampered back as the gunshot eched in the dead streets of Florida. Tha gang bolted.

"What was that?!" Shouted Roman as groans started to arise from dark alleyways and buildings.

"It spooked me!" Janus defended, skidding around a corner. "I didn't mean to, it just moved!"

"Why can't it leave us alone?" Wailed Patton, holding his hands above his head as zombies in the houses they ran past tried throwing their limbs at them. "Why does it keep following us?"

Remus's' eyes shone evilly. He was the only one out of them all who seemed entertained by the zombie stalker. "Maybe it wants to eat us! One by one, until we're all gone!"

"Not the time, Rem," Logan scolded, pulling out a baseball bat. Right now, we need to get somewhere safe and barricade ourselves until the zombies forget we're here!"

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