Carsick ~ Prinxiety

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 I just want to clarify, the descriptions in the second part about the car sickness come from my own experiences. I can get seriously carsick, even on a thirty-minute drive, especially if I've eaten anything before-hand. Just to tell you how carsick I get, eight out of ten amount of time si get in a car, I will feel sick within the first five minutes. So... speaking from personal experiences here... I don't know why I'm saying this, I just wanted to add this.

Roman had had a crush on Virgil for as long as he could remember. It was the way that the emo, walked, or maybe it was his laugh or his smile, could it be his fashion sense, or his humour or that slightly Irish lilt to his voice? Roman didn't know. But he knew he adored all of it. He adored anything and everything about Virgil.

It had, honestly, been ruining his life a little. He had gone from zero to infinity on the simp scale the moment Virgil was brought up. He'd fetch things for his crush, lie for his crush and hurt for his crush. Heck, he'd even do all of Virgil's' homework for a whole year just to get a kiss. And Virgil seemed to know this and used it.

Probably not deliberately, or he at least didn't know why Roman would do this, but if someone was shutting down his idea, he'd turn to Roman and instantly get support. He strung Roman along without even knowing it. Virgil was really, really fucking dense.

Seriously, though. Roman had seen a lot of oblivious guys in his years of flirting but Virgil was just the tip of the iceberg. Their back-and-forth flirting may have been completely real when it came to Roman, but it always seemed to be Virgil's' way to pass the time. A fun activity. An act. A game. A harmless lie. Well, it cost a lot more than he thought.

But, Roman had started working up his game. He had decided to stop trying to be a subtle tease and become a great, big flirt instead and it seemed to be working. Using some cheesy pick-up lines on the emo when Virgil wouldn't expect them, surprising him with hugs from behind, that always seemed to result with Roman's' arms tightly around Virgil's' waist, kisses on the back of the other's' hand. They were all going smoothly without a hit and Roman knew that he was getting insanely lucky for not getting repulsed reactions.

He had seen some other boys in his class trying to pull the same shit with Virgil, but they always got rejected or punched in the eye for even touching him. Roman, however, received a very flustered, stammering response. He was winning the not-so-sweet maiden's' heart, even if it was a slow process. And now was the big task.

Asking him out.

He walked into the cafeteria with a plan. After subtly asking Virgil over a few weeks how he would want to be asked out, he finally had it.

Gentle, sweet and thoughtful, but also pretty darn obvious.

Roman made his way over to the table he and his friends sat at to see that, just as he had asked, an empty seat next to Virgil. He sat down, trying to contain his eagerness and gently moved the chair a little closer to Virgil, an action that did not go by unnoticed because he could see Virgil's' cheeks light up underneath all his white foundation.

Patton, who sat opposite Virgil raised a small eyebrow with a smile - the emo glared back.

"Hey, Vee?" Roman asked softly, taking the other's' hand. "Can I ask you something?"

Virgil looked down at their intertwined fingers, trying to ignore the watchful table. "Sure..."

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

The emo swallowed shyly. "Sure."

Roman nearly squeaked. Correction, he did squeak. He practically bounced up and down in his seat happily, much to everyone's' amusement and Virgil's' ever-increasing embarrassment. Oh, he was so ready for this date.

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