Agent Attack -Implied Prinxiety

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Virgil, the 'F' student of the 'school' that trained the assassins of the world, who hadn't said a single word apart from his name, stepped out into the training room. His mentor, Deceit, smirked at him from across the room.

"Today, Virgil, you will be fighting the enemies' best agents." He said loudly, moving to type in instructions to the holoscreen. Three clones dropped to the ground. One had a tie, the other had a grey cardigan. The third had a crown. "Logic, Morality and Prince. If you die, then at least we'd have gotten rid off our worst student." Deceit commented carelessly. Oh, if only he knew. Virgil had been holding back for this very test. No one knew how he really fought.

Breathing in, Virgil tightened his grip on his weapon. He had a body-tight black suit that provided no armour but the clones against him had real weapons. One had a sniper, the other had a glove that could knock you out if needed. The third had a sword. And Virgil had a dagger.

He had murder in his eyes and he wore his silence like a mask. Deceit narrowed his eyes from across the room, seeing this. He knew all too well that this kid was holding back but he didn't know how much he'd hidden away.

Deceit began to count up to ten and Virgil let his blank face twist into a smirk. A few spectators, like his fellow students, began to whisper to each other. The emo never smiles. Virgil kept the grin as Deceit reached the end of the count down. Nobody was ever gone fuck with him again.

The clones launched themselves, working in sync, and Virgil sliced Morality's' throat easily. The clone fell to the ground and he stabbed his dagger into Logic's' chest, snatching his sniper and firing a bullet into the clones skull. He shot Prince before the clone had even reached him. Fifteen seconds; all clones down.

Virgil dropped the gun and pulled back his dagger. He turned to Deceit and his smirk grew. Then, he finally spoke. "Can we try again with some music?"


"The kid has got the dark side," Whispered Deceit to his fellow teacher, the Duke. "You best believe it, push too far and you'll see."

The Duke glanced at him. "Who, Virgil Song? The 'F' kid?"

Deceit nodded. "He isn't Virgil Song anymore. He took his assassin name after defeating the clones in fifteen seconds."

"What did he call himself?"

"Anxiety Arachnia."

The Duke blinked slowly and then grunted with a shrug. "Odd name to call himself. Why'd he call himself that? It doesn't really strike any fear."

Deceit shook his head slowly. "You didn't see what he did, Dukey. He said it suits how the enemies will one day feel when they see him. And it rings a personal truth. We all know how he's so anxious all the time, I guess he was almost being honest."

"Did he really take out those clones in fifteen seconds?"

With a grimace, Deceit nodded. Clones were what they called high-tech training dummies. They adapted to the information placed in them. They were completely grey and filled with fluff and wire. It was a miracle that they managed to work completely seamlessly but, then, Deceit had already seen one miracle today.

The Duke wasn't his friends' proper name. It had once been Remus, just like Deceit's' had once been Janus. But they'd become fully-fledged assassins, training the next generations.

Then their boss placed their hands on the two's' shoulders. Their boss had called themselves Viking. You didn't mess with them, no matter how small and adorable they were. Once, they'd been Talyn. Now, they ran the 'school' by fear.

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