Deer! - Remile

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A Note: I'm so sorry. Just. I'm so sorry. This is short and some of you are gonna cry. I'm sorry.

TW: Car crash

It was late, the roads were empty, the speed limit was high. Remy drove at a fast speed down the deserted highway, bouncing his head to the loud music. His boyfriend, Emile, was dancing in the passenger seat next to him and they were both reasonably drunk.

The speakers were on full volume, the entire car vibrated with noise. Obviously, they should've gotten an uber or a taxi or something. But they hadn't, because the roads were empty and Remy was actually pretty sober.

They had been at a huge party, celebrating the winners of the football game, and the motorway was completely clear for them to hurtle down it blindly. Obviously, they were abiding the speed limit, they weren't that stupid. But, they were young enough and dumb enough to feel on top of the world.

"I love this song!" Shouted Emile above the blaring noise.

"I know!" Remy yelled back. "You said that five minutes ago!"

The song was, 'My Oh My,' by Camila Cabello, which neither of the men would listen to sober. But, when you're drunk, your standards slip.

Emile grinned. "I love you!" He called.

"I love you too!" Remy shouted, letting his eyes fall briefly off the road to glance over at his boyfriend.

Emile's' glasses were slightly lopsided and his sandy hair was a mess. His pastel pink tie was a little loose, but he didn't look nearly as scandalous as Logan had after spending a few minutes alone with Patton, who was drunk off his arse. Emile had drank a bit more than Remy, seeming as he accidently began talking to Remus, who was a magnet for random supplies of shots.

On the other hand, Remy had sunglasses on, his gelled hair was falling out of place and he was a little sweaty from battling against Roman in 'Just Dance'. His leather jacket was currently on the back of his chair, leaving him in a white tank top studded with several Pride pins. 

Emile caught his gaze and grinned tipsily. He leaned in to Remy with a giggle and kissed him quickly. But one kiss wasn't enough for Remy. Leaving one hand on the steering wheel and slowing down a bit, he leaned back into his boyfriend, holding him there and kissing him.

The kiss lasted until they finally pulled apart softly. They bowed their foreheads together, staring into each other's' eyes. Then, Emile glanced out the window and shrieked.

"Remy, deer!"

A young doe had jumped in front of the car and Remy barely had a moment to think. He wrenched the wheel hard to the side but it had been the wrong side. The car hurtled into the barrier that seperated the lanes, smashing on impact.

Inside the car, the two were screaming as the vehicle spun out of control, spiralling across the opposite lane until it reached the sharp dip on the other side.

There was a moment of calm.

Nothing moved, nothing breathed.

The car stayed, half over the edge, half clinging to the road. Remy and Emile only had one last chance to look over to each other. They were both crying because they knew it. The car tipped.

Sanders Sides OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora