YouTube Stars Pt.2- Both

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VidCon would be like the complete parallel of a world crisis where you had to stay at least two metres apart. Everyone was pressed against each other in an awkward inflexible current, people fighting to get to panels, meet-and-greets or merch sales.

Disney Falsehoods' meet-and-greet line had ground to a halt within the first four minutes as everyone had rushed to try to meet him. Logan had been polite and charming, even smiling as he met fans and had his photograph taken. There were one or two people who asked him how he managed to find out all these things for his videos and Logan simply replied, 'I use google first and then look for books to verify those facts. Google should never be relied on completely'.

This had caused some amusement but most people took it seriously. Soon, the meet-and-greet ended after two solid hours and Logans' cheeks hurt. He had quickly run into Patton McNamara, who'd invited him to hang around for his own panel.

"We can get you backstage if you want, then we can try find Anonymous Anxiety and get backstage to his panel so we can all get coffee later!" Patton had offered, pulling Logan through the crowd that sifted apart in order to let them past. The perks of being famous and needing to be somewhere. You were able to get there because everyone was just too stunned that they'd actually seen you.

Logan nodded. "Sounds enjoyable, Mr McNamara."

"Oh, please, kiddo, just call me Patton! Hey, after VidCon, do you want to do a collab? I'm a huge fan of your channel."

Hesitating only for a second, Logan quickly nodded. "Of course. It would be a beneficial thing for both of our channels and an excuse to spend more time with you. I do enjoy your company, Patton."

The other YouTuber giggled, intertwining his hands together as he swung them side to side in a childish manner. "Samesies!"


Roman used a mirror to check around the corner to see how many people were at his and Patton's' panel. Every chair was full and people still tried to enter the room, standing along the wall and sitting crosslegged in front of the first row. Roman could feel the pre-stage fear and, even though he knew it would vanish the moment he stepped out, it wasn't very nice.

He turned around and jumped back with a high pitched scream. Anonymous Anxiety raised an eyebrow. "Wow." He smirked.

"I wasn't expecting to see you..." Roman mumbled in defence, glancing away. "How did you even get back here?"

"Honestly? I just walked past while the security was hassling Logan Croft, whom Patton is trying to smuggle in." Laughed the emo.

Roman scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully as he walked away from the stage. "You never told us your name, y'know."

"Oh, I am fully aware." Teased Anonymous Anxiety.

Roman waited for a moment. When the singer did nothing except smile smugly, he sighed, giving in. "May I please know your name?"

He hesitated, tapping a finger against his bottom lip with a taunting smirk as he hummed thoughtfully. "Hmm, I wonder. Should I trust this random stranger with my name?"

"Yes? We can do an official duet?"

Anonymous tilted his head with a frown but his confused expression quickly cleared to one of embarrassment. "I completely forgot about that. It was so cringey, sorry."

Roman laughed. "Hey, no, it's fine! We sounded great together and you managed to harmonize so well."

The other offered a shy smile, before noticing the arrival of Logan and Patton.

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