Because Of A Detention -Prinxiety

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This follows the prinxiety in the last one-shot! Trigger warning, fighting, swearing and toxic relationships!

Virgil Black saluted at the music teacher he'd just run into after giving him directions. Spinning around on his heel, he stormed down the science halls, remembering his anger. Some drama teacher ignores a students' protests about a tutoring session, doesn't bother to email the teacher who was supposed to be tutoring them, keeps them in and Virgil only finds out because of an email he received while talking with Logan from the student.

Ryan Terry wasn't a bad student, he just had ADHD when someone wasn't talking face-to-face with him. That was why Virgil stayed behind with him after school to reteach the lesson and the drama teacher's' stunt might risk the boys' future. Sure, it would be one lesson but Virgil knew for a fact that the five love languages would be turning up in their exams and would be mentioned next term after the kids briefly touched on them.

Virgil reached the performing arts section of the school and he stalked past the dance studios, the theatres, the music rooms and prop rooms. He marched on until he reached 1D. The room Ryan would be in.

Taking in a breath, Virgil cleared out any anxious thoughts, knowing now was not the time to worry about humiliation. The students' education was more important than his own wishes. Virgil swung open the door, his heterochromatic gaze sweeping across the room, one eye green and the other purple. They locked instantly onto Ryan so Virgil didn't bother looking for whatever drama teacher kept him back. It was probably some stuffy, old bloke.

"Ryan," He said coolly, ignoring the relief on the students' face, "Let's go, kid, this session's important!"

Ryan quickly began to dart to his psychology teacher but a hand was placed on the boys' shoulder. "Um, I don't think so." Someone said sternly.

Virgil closed his eyes for a second, finally looking at the drama teacher and he suddenly realised which teacher he was now talking to. He'd seen him several times in the staff room but now he'd finally been noticed.

He didn't know the mans' name but he was startlingly pretty. He had chestnut brown hair and rosy skin, beautiful blue eyes and he carried himself with a confidence that Virgil could never possess. Of course, he just had to be the teacher he currently had a bone to pick with.

"Sorry, I don't care about you enough to bother with your authority," Lied Virgil, swinging his gaze back to Ryan then to the teacher as he walked into the room. "Ryan is taking my lesson and I need to reteach him a lesson that will be very important when it comes to his exams this year. Surely you can reschedule this?"

"Why don't you reschedule your session with him and buy some stilettos while you're at it?" Scoffed the drama teacher as Virgil reared back like he'd been stung. "It might make you tall enough for me to actually see you without hurting my neck."

Virgil balled his fists, trying to hold in his short patience. "Look here, mister spotlight, I can't reschedule this, I'm busy tomorrow and then we have a different, preprepared tutoring session the day after that, then I'll be busy again, repeat the cycle." He crossed his arms as Ryan backed carefully behind him. Mr Black was known for a very thin temper and, once, he'd come into work with a black eye after his boyfriend cheated on him and he'd lost his temper.

"Look, you're tiny, emo, and I can hardly believe you're actually a teacher," The drama teacher sniffed. "You seem to have some anger issues, so maybe you should step outside and chill your angsty ass down?"

The psychology professor widened his eyes, arching his shoulders back. "Do you want a fucking go?" He snapped.

"Mr Black, it's fine, I can borrow notes-"

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