Criminals (Ships Undecided yet) Pt1

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In the kingdom of Haroft, there was a three-man rise in crime that started about two years ago. They were thieves, vandalists and just a complete mess. They picked on innkeepers, stole horses, burnt down forests, unleashed angry bulls into the streets, robbed from everyone, ran around the streets screaming in the middle of the night while banging pots together and tried to assassinate the royal family after they successfully stole their crowns and beat up their guards.

Yeah, that was probably why they were in prison...

The oldest was the most iconic. Half of his face was severely burnt and his eyes were an odd shade of green, in fact, they almost looked yellow. He was sitting in the cell pretty passively, simply picking at the paint on the walls. The guards had taken away his cane after they found out that it was really just an elaborate hilt for his sword, but they let him keep his black bowler hat. He had a short cape dashed around his shoulders and he wore a dark, grey waistcoat over a pastel yellow button-up shirt. Honestly, he looked more like a noble than anything, which was probably why his group had managed to evade so many people.

Then there was the madman. The second oldest and also the second youngest, he was definitely the life of this party. He had an uncanny resemblance to Prince Roman, just with a moustache and he wore creepily royal clothing, dyed black and green. His eyes were sunken in, wide and staring; the guards had had to confiscate so many knives from this man that they had to call in for assistance just to carry them back and forth. Also, he had vomited up blood when he was first put in the prison cell and had instantly caused a panic. When asked about it, he simply smiled and said, "That's not my blood," and refused to say anything else on the matter.

The youngest was almost forgettable. He was skinny and scrawny, shorter than the others. Black hair, violet eyes and pale skin, he had almost walked away from twelve guards trying to pin him to the ground because he could just stand still, not move, and you've forgotten he's there. He was the one who had tried to take out the young Prince Roman, with scimitar knives. His friends had gone for King Patton and Logan.

Now, here they were. Sitting in a prison cell doing nothing. The Prince had been walking over with his fathers to confront them when they heard the prisoners begin to talk.

"So," Said the middle one. "Truth or dare?"

The youngest groaned. "This is not a slumber party..."

"It sure looks like a slumber party," Commented the madman, looking around the cell. The royals were out of sight, although they could just see inside.

"We're in prison!" The youngest snapped. "P-R-I-S-O-N!"

There was a long pause of silence. Then the oldest said, "I choose dare."

"Janus!" Gasped the younger.

The madman giggled. "Ooh, I dare you to... kiss me!"

"Hard pass, I forfeit."

"Kiss Virgil?"

"He's my cousin, I'm not playing anymore."

Logan frowned and whispered, "This is surprisingly immature for a group of criminals..."

The middle one pouted. "Virgil, will you kiss me?"

"Honestly, Remus? I'd rather kiss the Prince."

Roman stole a glance back to his parents as the one called Virgil sighed loudly. "How about this," He said, "Remus, truth or dare?"

"Oh, definitely dare."

The two who were apparently cousins smirked. "Break us out?"

A small giggle was heard and then the madman was crouching by the door, weaselling his hands beneath it. He snapped it up, the metal bars breaking off and he lay the door down. He leaned across to the one in the hat, offering out his hand. "After you, beautiful."

"Stop flirting with my cousin, Rem!"

Remus grinned. "Nah... He's too cute."

Virgil glared angrily as he stepped out himself, folding his arms across his chest with a pout.

The madman shrugged. "I don't know why you're not into me, Virgin. If you were, we could all have a threesome-!"

"Shut it, you octopus," Janus ordered. "We're not having a threesome. Virgil and I are biologically related, it's wrong."

Remus shrugged. "Well, why can't you-"

"Please don't finish your sentence," Virgil winced. "I kinda want some chance at sleeping tonight."

That's when Janus turned the corner to see the three royals standing there, staring back at them wide-eyed. The two other criminals stepped around and saw them too.

Janus smiled awkwardly, eyes wide with panic. "Would you believe us if I said we were just going to the bathroom?"

"Guard-" Patton began but, suddenly, Remus was there, hands carefully, resting around the King's' throat but not choking him. It was just a threat.

"Get help and he'll die," Remus growled, glaring down King Logan and Prince Roman.

Logan backed down and Janus took a hold of his wrist from behind, tying them up in the King's' sash. Virgil turned to Roman with a cocky grin. "Do you need to be tied up like the others, or are you gonna be a good boy?"

"You try anything against me and I'll bite you!" Answered Roman.

"Jesus, you're cocky aren't you..." Virgil grumbled, quickly turning sour and grouchy. "Guess we'll have to tie you up like you're dads. Shame," the criminal smirked. "I always thought that the Prince would've had more dignity than that. But, then again, you're only a scared little boy, you probably don't even know what's going on."

Roman narrowed his eyes. "Shut up."

Virgil's' smirk twisted wider. "Make me, princey."

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