Soulmates ~ Prinxiety Pt.3

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The final part! This wasn't supposed to be dragged out so much qwq... Also, Remus is being very, uh... explicit in this chapter. Basically, sex jokes and sex references in this chapter. (NOTHING HAPPENS, MIRANDATHING!!!)

Roman sat up in his own bed and looked around his room. It was still the same, more or less. The closet was open and he could see himself in the mirror, his room had been cleaned, which was surprising, and there was a post-it note on the wall. Roman frowned. That was new. He walked up to it, seeing mildly familiar handwriting, and plucked it off the wall. Written in swoopy handwriting was a note.

Salut, je suis désolé, je ne sais pas beaucoup d'anglais, donc c'est dans Français. C'est mon numéro de téléphone, donc on peut parler, si tu veux.

Underneath was a collection of numbers, and Roman smiled at it. He walked over to his desk, where his phone was on charge, and opened up a new contact, typing in the details. Quickly, he was done, saving the number simply as 'Soulmate'.

Then, he texted it.


Bonjour, c'est votre âme sœur!

Comment vas-tu?


wow les fuseaux horaires sont hilarants

tu viens de te réveiller ?


Oui... qwq



je dois y aller, désolé, je peux te parler bien tôt ?


Au revoir!

Roman's' smile grew even wider and turned off his phone just as Remus walked in.

"Eww, you're smiling, did you get sent a dick pic?"

"Eww, what the hell, no, get out of my room!"


Two years into texting and switching and the two soulmates have finally managed to organise it. They were going to see each other, both of them flying to England, to end the cycle and be together. Virgil was holding his suitcase with shaking hands as he began to board the plane. He had his whole family with him, so they could meet the future in law.

Janus put a hand on his shoulder and attempted a smile. He hated planes with a passion and only came so he could scare the hell out of Roman. Virgil had been incredibly secretive when it had come to his soulmate. He hadn't even shown his mother pictures of him, as to not to ruin the surprise.

"Virgil," His father began to say for the fourth timethat day, "tu sais que je t'aime, mais es-tu sûr qu'on ne devrait pas en savoir plus sur ce garçon avant de le rencontrer?"

Virgil smiled. "Papa, ne t'inquiète pas, Roman est incroyable."

"Je parie qu'il va être un grand bébé," Grunted Janus, as they made their way to their seats. "Et il va en ressembler à un."

Virgil grinned slightly, knowing that Roman did not look like a big baby and Janus was going to eat his words soon.

"Les garçons, chut, je suis sûr que Roman sera un homme charmant," His mother lectured quickly, hushing them as they sat down. "En plus, peu importe à quoi il ressemble. Tant qu'il rend Virgil heureux."

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