Zombie Pt.2 ~ Prinxiety

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Thomas was the one who never ventured out of the campervan. He was known as the get-away driver and he had to be kept safe. A friend of Janus's' before the apocalypse, he was one of the only people who could drive and the only person who had played enough MarioKart to avoid any zombies lumbering into the road, even though Logan swore MarioKart must have nothing to do with his driving abilities.

That morning, an hour or so before sunrise, Thomas woke up to the sound of five specific knocks on the door. He jolted from his seat and, just to be sure, checked the wing mirror. He didn't want to make the mistake he once had when accidentally let Purple in. That had been terrifying. But, he had no need to worry.

Remus had stuffed his face as close as he could to the mirror, making gagging faces, so Thomas opened up the campervan. His friends walked in.

"What's the situation on code purple?" He asked.

Logan shot Roman a glare. "I threw a rock at it before we boarded up the window. For some reason, that action upset a few of us."

Roman returned the glare. "Well, a few of us think we should try and not harm the zombies. After all, they're people underneath."

Thomas looked between the two friends awkwardly. "Okay, then, well, I'm gonna get us outta here before the zombies start stirring. You didn't see Purple when leaving, did you?"

"Nah, we didn't," Janus said, sitting at the passenger seat. "It probably scapered once we boarded up the window."

Patton sighed lightly, swinging shut the door. "This apocalypse is awful. It's not like the movies at all."

Remus shrugged. "I think it's pretty accurate. Predictable blood, overnight environment change, a group of young people travelling together to evade the hordes of bloodthirsty, mindless, stupid zombies. All checks out!"

"I'm sure some of us here would like to argue against that, Remus," Logan said calmly, shooting another pointed glare in Roman's' direction.

"And others would wholeheartedly agree with the fact all zombies are probably mindless," Roman grumbled.

"Are you serious?" Spluttered Janus in laughter. "Roman, you are not siding with the zombies, are you?"

Roman flushed angrily. "I'm not!" He protested. "Purple just seemed... I dunno, there was something in his eyes-"

"Do you liiiiiike him?" Remus teased.

His twin rounded on him. "Are you stupid, Remus?" He inquired loudly as Thomas awkwardly started the engine. "Thinking it's too much to throw a rock at a zoombie who's never actually moved against us is completely different to being attracted to it! Jesus, what is wrong with you, sometimes?" And he marched away to a small room in the back of the campervan, containing two double beds and slammed the flimsy door.

Remus seemed hurt but shrugged as if he was indifferent. Logan groaned, Janus quietly began to clean his gun and Patton began to awkwardly whistle.

"So..." Thomas said slowly. "Seems like I missed a few things..."


It had been a day since they had left the city after the 'Code Purple' incident. Roman had coolled down a little bit, but it was obvious there were a few things he wanted to say to Logan which he was honestly too scared to. The tension was still fresh and sometimes you could feel it in the air.

The group were parked in a field, relaxing and letting Thomas take a break from driving. The field was quiet and serene, the sun beginning to set in a cascade of purple and orange, void of zombies since there was barely any human activity here. Roman sat a little off from the group and his mind trailed to what life was like before. When he had been a college drop out because Broadway had started calling. He had a name for himself, he was recognised. Granted, he was no Lin Manuel Miranda or Ben Platt, but he had been someone, one of the main characters, actually, in a show called 'Storytime', that had been big news until... This.

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