Sweet, Sour, Salty, Spicey Pt.1 - Logicality

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Patton was a Sweet.


I'll explain for you.

In this world, everyone has a flavour that matches them. It blends into their appearance, it changes their opinions and Sweets are one of the favourite flavours. Sweet and Spice were the only ones seen as nice. Patton was a Sweet and he was probably the biggest Sweet in the school.

He was never seen without some fruit-flavoured lollypop, he had cherry-red glasses and sprinkles on his cheeks. His eyes were the same pastel blue as candyfloss, his hair was the colour of ice cream cones and he wore a chocolate brown sweater. Sweets went well with Sours and Spices, not Salts. Patton's' older brother, Emile, was also a Sweet who had lost a little of his sweetness now he was going out with a Spice, called Remy. 

Spices were the favourite flavour. They were clever, astonishingly attractive and impulsive. Some could be violent, they were known as 'chilli' Spices. Remy was a chilli Spice and people stayed out of his way most of the time. Spices went well with Sweets and Sours, not Salts.

On the more mysterious side, there were Sours. Sours often had lemons in their appearance and they usually had a bitter and dry sense of humour, if they had one at all. They stayed to themselves, sulked and preferred to be alone. Especially the one Patton loved.

Logan Smith was the sourest Sour in the whole school. He was friends with a Salt and Sours don't go well with Salts. They go well with Sweets and Spices, not Salts. His hair was black and it looked either wet or greasy but obviously wasn't. That was just the way a Sour looked. And Logan looked better than the rest. He had yellowy skin and his eyes were like limes, vibrant and green. He had lemon peel in his hair but it worked somehow and he wore dark blues that contrasted his pale yellow.

But, annoyingly, he'd never notice Patton. Patton was a silly Sweet and he was a humourless sour. However, Patton's' best friend, a Spice called Roman, had other plans.

"Come on, Pat, you've been pining after that Sour for ages," He groaned. "He'll obviously say yes, you're a Sweet and everyone likes dating Sweets."

Patton resisted the urge to bite on his lollypop, a habit he was trying to get out of as, apparently, it wasn't a Sweet thing to do. "I dunno, Roman. I've seen loads of flavours ask him out, he says no to them all..."

"Okay, then. Maybe he's just into that Salt he hangs with, although Sours and Salts don't go well..." Roman sniffed. Roman was a classic Spice. He was dastardly hot, with red lips and jalapeno-scarlet eyes. He was freckled with small black and brown flecks on his cheeks, as if the small dots were pepper, and his hair was brown with red flicks. Roman was the Spice every flavour would die for. He was also the kind of flavour who tried to make sure every couple went well together.

"Roman, flavours that don't go well can be in a relationship!" Patton said. "There's nothing wrong about it!"

The Spice raised an eyebrow. "Well, don't think you'd ever catch me dating a Salt."

Patton rolled his eyes then caught sight of a certain pair approaching. He punched Roman's' arm, feeling his sprinkled cheeks light up and glow as red as strawberries. "He's coming, he's coming!" He hissed, slapping his friend's' hand repetitively.

"Pat, ow!" Laughed Roma, grabbing the Sweets' hands to still him. "Chill, padre, he's only going to his desk with that Salt-"

"That Salt?" Drawled a voice and Roman sighed loudly. Patton flinched and hid his face in his hands when the Sour and Salt paused at the table. The Salt arched an eyebrow. "Great to know people think of us by our flavour, not our name."

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