Singing With A Siren Pt.3 ~ Prinxiety

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It had been two years since Roman had kissed Virgil and, damn, had he loved the two years after it. Sirens didn't follow the concept of boyfriends or dating and Roman was secretly digging it. Sirens were straightforward with their affection. That meant courting each other, either with songs or physical touch, and a lot of kisses until your affections are returned. Then, you're mates for life. That was probably the only part that scared Roman.

He didn't want to break Virgil's' heart with his human ways of life and he knew that many young men on his island liked him romantically and he was terrified that, one day, one of these young men would manage to catch his interest and he'd destroy Virgil. But, he would always remember how much he adored his siren when Virgil would greet him with a kiss or a melody about how beautiful the human was. Honestly, life was perfect when Virgil was there.

And Patton and Logan had noticed their friend's' change over these two years. Once, nothing would've stopped Roman from flirting with those eager suitors and now he shyly avoided them. He was always exhausted and he had a permanent salty smell to him, which could sometimes be disguised with perfume. Also, he never stayed late at their house anymore. He said it was for an optimal night's' sleep, but they had seen him falling asleep during lunch or just any time of the day. But the biggest curiosity was that Roman insisted that seafolk were never real but Logan and Patton had both seen him reading up about sirens.

Something fishy was going on here, and it wasn't just the sea. (I'm sorry, I'm really bad at jokes that aren't sarcastic qwq)

So, the pair had decided to confront Roman about it one evening in a friendly, 'please-don't-be-secretly-dying-and-not-telling-us' way. The pair walked up to Roman's' house, preparing to knock on the front door when, suddenly, Logan held Patton's' wrist back, shushing him.

"What?" Patton whispered, before he saw it too.

Roman, hiding in the tall, dry early autumn grass that coated this side of the island in September, running along quietly and eagerly.

"Come on, we've got to see what he's doing," Logan insisted quietly. Patton nodded, and the couple slowly began to make their way after Roman.

The tall grass may look dry and breezy, but it was deceiving. Deep, by the stalks, the ground was marshy and sinking. The mud was oozing and behaved like quicksand. Many pairs of shoes had been lost to the earth and Patton and Logan were getting first-hand experience. Far ahead, Roman was manoeuvring easily, as if he'd done this before. He moved and weaved his way simply, barely brushing a blade of grass. Then, he looked back and made eye contact with Logan. That made him bolt for it, rushing as far as he could from his friends, hiding something that he held in his hand.

Patton reached out. "Roman!" He whispered-yelled, but their friend was gone.


Roman risked one more glance up, out of the cave entrance. He had been terrified when he saw Patton and Logan following him and he didn't want them to find out about Virgil. At least, not this way. Roman could see nobody, so he reluctantly walked into the dark tunnel, brushing past the thick vines. He couldn't see anyone and that made him smile.

"Alright, Virge, I know you're here," He smirked, setting down a small bowl of strawberries by the edge of the water, sitting down himself. There was no reaction and he slowly dipped his bare feet in the water, waiting. He had stopped wearing shoes when going to visit Virgil, they just got lost in the marsh.

A few seconds passed and then a finned, humanoid torso sprang up from the water. It was, obviously, Virgil because the siren instantly grabbed Roman's' head, kissing him and pulling him into the water before he had time to inhale.

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