Home Pt.2 ~ Demus

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Janus emerged from the tunnel, uselessly smoothing down his camo-suit. It wouldn't make a difference in a few minutes, but he wanted to look like he hadn't just started screaming at the men he'd been working with. He cleared up the final thing with the airport staff and he stepped out and looked around instantly. Many signs read the names of his coworkers and then he felt someone tackle him in a hug.

Arms were wrapped tightly around his waist and he looked down to see a black-haired nine-year-old swing his head up to look at him with big, purple-blue eyes.

"Virgil!" Janus gasped, making his son laugh. Tears were in his eyes before he even knew it and he picked the boy up high and effortlessly. The crowd all seemed to be just as sentimental as he was at that scene, a few people pulling out their phones.

"Daddy!" Virgil yelled out delightfully, as his father spun him around.

Another pair of arms wrapped around Janus's' ribs, yanking him off the floor and he felt someone yelling in his ear happily.

Janus pulled his son against his chest, falling back against the love of his life as Remus kept his family hoisted high up in the air. The rest of his squadron finally emerged from the tunnel, still looking pretty stunned and seeming even more stunned to look at the happy trio.

"Remus, put me down!" Ordered Janus protestingly, laughing happily.

The soldier ignored the other shocked men of his squadron as his husband put him down on the floor, let him sit Virgil down, then spun him around and kissed him hard. Janus leaned in delightedly. He had missed this. Although it was itchier than he remembered...

They finally broke apart because of Virgil's' fake gagging noises at the sight of his dads kissing and Janus quickly observed Remus.

"When the hell did you get a moustache?"

Remus wiggled his eyebrows. "I wanted to see if you could tell the difference. Do I go clean-shaven or keep this dashing, majestic, glorious-"

"Shut up and kiss me again."

"Don't mind if I do."

Virgil covered his eyes. "Eww!" He complained.

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