Carsick Pt.2 ~ Prinxiety

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TW: Vomiting and some swearing

Virgil could feel the ball in his throat and it wasn't helping. He needed to get rid of it, to cough it up, to puke it all out of him. He was feeling really warm, it was sweltering in Roman's' car, and the air-con didn't hit his face properly. That was one of the worst things. He tried to shoulder of his jacket nonchalantly, but it didn't work.

Roman was humming along awkwardly to the music on the radio and Virgil would've talked if he was sure he would vomit if he opened his mouth, which was filled with sticky saliva that had built up over half an hour of silence.

Stupid cars. Stupid fucking cars. They were useful but useless all at once.

He'd always get carsick. There were only a select few scenarios where he managed not to vomit on car rides, but he always felt sick. Cars just didn't agree with him.

Quietly, Virgil rolled down his window, letting the wind rush into his face. It wasn't really helping. It did for a moment, but he still could feel that nausea in the back of his throat, in his mouth and the bottom of his stomach.

Roman was uncomfortable, too. He had tried to start a conversation at the beginning of the drive but, the moment the engine had been turned on, Virgil had quickly shut up. The tension between the pair was strong and uncomfortable. Almost suffocating, and Roman wasn't sure if he should be happy or scared that they were nearing the picnic spot.

But, he obediently drove up to the gate that led to a public meadow. It was empty, considering it was pretty late at night. The plan was to have the picnic near the gate, since the field was on top of a hill and the town they lived in would be gorgeous at night, with the lights turning on and off. Besides, they were pretty far away from the unnatural light, so they'd be able to see plenty of stars.

Roman parked the car and turned off the engine, then Virgil unclipped his seatbelt and jumped out of the door. Confused and a little nervous, Roman got out of the car too, shutting the door. Instantly, he saw what was going on.

Virgil was leaning over some of the shrubs, vomiting into the bush.

"Are you okay?" Roman yelped, in a panic as he quickly went over to his crush, placing a tentative hand on Virgil's' back. The emo didn't respond, he kept puking, with a few tears in his eyes. Roman gently began to rub Virgil's' back, trying to ignore his mind that was screaming questions loudly.

After a long minute, Virgil wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, looking pale. "Sorry..."

"I-It's okay," Promised Roman quietly. "Do you want me to drive you home?"

Virgil shook his head. "I'd rather walk," He claimed weakly.

Roman nodded sympathetically, looking almost pitiful. "Sorry-"

"It's not your fault," Virgil insisted, although it sounded more like a frustrated snap. "I'll see you at school." He wiped his mouth once more on the back of his hand, folding his arms around himself and he started to take the incredibly long walk back to his house on his own.

Roman didn't know what to do. So he just stood there. He stood there until Virgil was out of sight and he slowly moved back to his car.

He had fucked up.


Virgil got back home an hour later, shutting the door loudly. His father, who was back from the city, looked into the hallway and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing out so late?" He asked calmly.

Virgil shrugged, taking off his shoes and wandering over to the small kitchen, hunching over the island. "I was on a date."

His father sighed. "Of course. Was she- No, no, you like men right?" Virgil nodded. He had only recently come out, his father was still trying to get the hang of it. "Was he nice? You look like you had a rough time."

The emo sagged even further. "He's a total sweetheart, I swear. But turns out he had to drive me somewhere and the moment I got out of the car, I vomited."

"Aw, my poor boy," His father looked sympathetic. "You wanna pour yourself a glass of water and come over to join your old man? I was just about to watch some 'My Chemical Romance' footage."

Virgil twitched an eyebrow as he got a glass from the cupboard and moved over to the sink. "Really?"

"No. But you need your emo vibes more than I need to watch Game Of Thrones."

Virgil snorted, carrying the glass of water over to the couch and curling up next to his dad, sipping the water slowly. "I fucked up the date. He's been flirting with me for months and then I just vomit like that on whatever he was planning."

"You even got all dressed up, didn't ya? You've got those studded earrings ya friend bought for you in your ears and everything," His dad noted, squeezing his son's' shoulder sympathetically.

"Yeah..." Virgil hummed, sipping some more water. "Roman got them for me, I thought they'd be cute."

"Roman's the one who played the prince dude at that musical you forced me to take you to? Was he the guy you went on a date with?"


Virgil's' father used the remote to select a certain, custom setting which opened up with emo songs, conspiracy theories and pictures, as this had been made for Virgil especially a few years ago. "He always looked pretty gay."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Teased Virgil. "I thought I'm not supposed to judge people by their looks."

His dad shrugged. "You're just not smart enough to do it yet, m'boy."

Virgil scoffed and the conversation gently stopped. But, in the back of his head, shouting at him, was the cruel voice telling him that he had fucked it all up.


Roman got home, keeping quiet because he knew his parents would blow at up him for coming back home loudly. He made his way soundlessly up the stairs and knocked on the door of Remus's' room. A loud, bird-like squawk let him know he was allowed inside.

The princely one walked in and, against any sense of biological safety, face-planted on Remus's' bed and screamed.

"Okay, that's new," Remus commented, frowning.

"I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up!" Roman chanted, like a mantra.

Remus tilted his head. "Did you shit your pants?"

"No, I didn't shit my pants, what the hell?" Roman glared harshly at Remus and his brother hesitated, licking his lips briefly when he realised this wasn't a joking conversation.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

Roman groaned loudly. "I went to his house, it was all going well, then we got in the car and I drove him to the place we were supposed to have a picnic at and then we got outta the car and he started puking and I offered to drive him home and then he snapped at me and left, and- why are you laughing?"

Remus was cackling loudly, shaking his head at Roman in humour. "Oh, my god, and you call yourself his friend!"

Roman pulled back, offended. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Virgil gets really carsick! Oh, my god, you put your crush in a car and just drove around while he was carsick! That's a memorable date, if I ever knew one."

Roman scowled. "It was your idea, dumbass."

"I can't believe you went through with it," Remus spluttered between hearty shrieks of laughter. "You're so pathetic-!"

The anger in Roman's' face was evident. He pushed himself off Remus's' bed harshly. "Roman?" Giggled Remus, his amusement fading. Roman marched over to the door, swinging it open. "Roman?" Remus tried again. "Roman, I was jok-" Roman slammed the door shut behind him.

Remus hesitated. "Oopsie," He said slowly.

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