part 37

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General POV

" Hank, is it okay if I go to Molly's and meet the guys? " Hailey asks walking down the stairs. " Sure, but please dont have any alcohol you've been doing so well the last three weeks I don't want you to jeopardise it in your last week. " Voight replies over the loud TV. " Thanks. That case you were talking about from today, have you heard anymore on the little girl? " Hailey asks sitting down on the sofa across from Voight. " Ye, shes stable for now. " Voight says looking at me really weirdly. " what? " I ask, raising an eyebrow. " Nothing. " Hank shakes his head. " No, go on. " I say smirking. " Its just Jay, he has accelant taste when it comes to girls. " Voight replies, choosing his words carefully. " You mean he always manages to pick the screwed up girls? " I say putting it bluntly " Ye, to put it bluntly. " Hank laughs.

Haileys POV

I get to Molly's at around 8pm, the guys are already there. I haven't seen them in 3 weeks since I wasnt allowed to work. I walk over the the table were everyone is laughing and joking around, Jay and Kim are missing though. " Hey. " I sheepishly smile " Look who it is. " Adam says standing up and giving me a hug. The rest of the team move over to make room for me round the very small table. " So when you back? " Antonio asks placing a coke infront of me " Thanks Antonio. I'm back tomorrow and if I dont fall of the bandwagon I can move out on Friday. " I smile, grateful to have to many friends that didnt give up on me. " Well, if this isnt a cause for celebration I dont know what is! " Alvin said holding his beer up for everyone to klunk there own beer with each other.

" If it isnt Hailey Upton. " A voice from behind calls out. Everyone whips there head round to see where the voice is coming from. Its Derrik, my dealer, what is he doing here. " Derrik not here! " I warn. " Come on, just coke? I thought you were more daring than that? " Derrik arrogantly says getting closer and closer. " Hey, that's enough! " Atwater says standing up. " Or what? " Derrik challenges, having no idea what Atwater is capable of. " You really dont want to do that man. " Atwater warns grabbing Derrik by the arm to direct him towards to door. By now the whole team have stood up and made a wall round me to protect me from Derrik and whatever his motive is. " Follow me out girl, I'll score you some. For free just so I can see your hot, sexy ass! " Derrick shouts from the door. " ALRIGHT THATS IT! " I shout, causing everyone to jump. I jump up out my chair and speed walk towards Derrik. " So you are coming, I knew you couldn't stay away. " Derrik smugly smiles. " Oh ye, take this for your answer. " I say punching him right on the nose causing him to fall backwards.

General POV

After Derrik got back up from taking a blow from Hailey, he was angrier than ever. " You bitch! " He whispers wiping the blood from his nose before he comes straight for Hailey. By now theres a full on scrap in the middle of Molly's between his friends who walked in after hearing the uproar, Firehouse 51 and the 21st district. " ALRIGHT STOP! " herman shouts from ontop of the bar. " SHUT IT YOU ASS! " one of Derriks friends shouts, to Herman who's blood is now boiling. " BREAK IT UP NOW YOUR MORONS! " Boden shouts making everyone stand to attention. The whole of the intelligence unit and 51 was on the ground covered in blood along with Derrik and his crew. " Were closing early, well done nitwits! " Herman announces cheesed off with everyone. " I cant go home like this, Hank will kill me! " Hailey says to the team as they make there way back to there car park " Come with me. Just tell Hank first before he sends out a search party. " Antonio says laughing at the thought of Hank sending out a search team for Hailey. " Thanks man. " Hailey says gratefully. " What are we going to tell Voight tomorrow? " Atwater asks. Voight is the only person Atwater is scared off even though Voight is half his size. " Ugh, ye, self defence. " Antonio says getting into his car. Everyone nodds in agreement before getting into there own cars.

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