part 53

937 23 16

Jay's POV

It's been about a month since we decided on the name. We had lots of thoughts about other names over the month but nothing came close to ' Erin-Elizabeth ', the meaning was perfect and it just sounded right.

Hailey, Dhalia and I all walked into the district preparing ourselves to tell Hank. We wanted his permission first since Erin was Hanks daughter. " Hey Platt! " Dhalia waved as we walked passed. " Morning Lia! " Platt replies chirpy. The only people that have never got the cold shoulder off Platt is Dhalia, Platt and Erin. " Come on ratbag " I joke, ushering Dhalia up the stairs.

" Morning " I greet as the three of us get to the top of the stairs " You look out of breath Hails " Antonio laughs " You try walking up those stairs seven months pregnant " Hailey jokes, but dischuffed at the same time.  " Sarg, can we have a word please? " I ask as Voight walks out of his office " Sure " Voight says doing a three-sixty back into his office.

General POV

Jay, Hank and Hailey all walk into Hanks office in silence. " what's up? " Hank asks. Jay and Hailey look at each other, reassuring each other this is defiantly what they want. " We never told anyone, but when I got hurt, I was told I couldn't have kids becuase of the damage caused. " Hailey pauses and looks to Jay for him to continue " The day after Erin's funeral, I was sitting on the edge of the bed- looking at a picture of Erin and I. Anyway Dhalia came upto me and said that Erin's an angel and hasn't gone properly. " Jay pauses, collecting himself together so he doesn't start crying, Voight too. " Last month she said her thoughts on what we should call the baby. She suggested Erin because Dhalia thinks this is Erin's gift. We thought long and hard about it but we think its perfect. We want to call the baby ' Erin-Elizabeth '. Hailey and I want your blessing first. " Jay adds. By now Hank is in floods of tears alongside Hailey and Jay. " That's perfect, ofcourse you can call her that. It's a beautiful name. " Hank crys walking over to give them both a hug.

Back out in the office area the whole team are wondering what on earth is going on in there. " What do you thinks going on? Hank isnt yelling and all three are hugging. " Kim asks " Who knows, theres a first time for everything " Antonio smirks. " Dhalia? " Kevin looks over to Dhalia, who's spinning around on Olinskys desk chair " I...dont...know " Dahlia replies completely dizzy. " Man, the three of them are a soggy mess " Atwater says walking over to collect the box of tissues.

Haileys POV

The three of us walk back out into the office area to clear our idea with the rest of the team. They were all just as close with Erin as Voight. " Jay and I asked Voight for his blessing and he has given us it, now we just need yours. " I say, not wanting to dive straight into it " Okay..." Al says, unsure of what's coming. " Dhalia suggested a name for the baby. We never told anybody, but after I was attacked I was told I couldn't have kids- damage done was bad. When I found out I was pregnant, it was a couple of days after Erin's funeral. " I pause to let Jay take over. All eyes are on us, even Platt came up to hear what was going down. " Dhalia told me, when I was upset the morning after Erin's funeral that she is an angel and hasn't really gone. Dhalia also thinks, so do Hailey and I plus Voight think that this baby is Erin's little gift. Dhalia suggested about a month ago calling her ' Erin ' because of that reason. She also suggested Elizabeth, so we decided on ' Erin-Elizabeth '. Do we have your guys blessing too? " Jay asks hesitantly.

Everyone's in a right soggy state now,  grabbing the tissues on Kevin's desk, everyone takes a minute to gather ourselves before Al speaks up " Its gorgeous, Erin would love it. " The whole team gather round into a group hug " I couldn't think of a better suited name " Kim smiles putting her hand on my baby bump " Cant wait to meet you baby Erin-Elizabeth " Kim adds sending everyone into a whole new cycle of tears.

Sorry this is a short chapter. I didnt want to ruin the moment by adding extra bits, taking the attention away from the special moment ❤xx

I also want to point out that ' ratbag ' in the north of England ( maby south ) is an affectionate term, another word for I dont know ' cheeky monkey ' or ' trouble ' ( the affectionate way ). I dont want to get attacked for someone picking it up the wrong way! 😂

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