18: Royalties

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A-kun: Okay, since I didn't have any time on my hands in the last chapter, I'll explain the similarities of the events of a story on Fanfiction.net named: "Azur Lane: The Story."

Okay, I don't really know why I didn't state this so much earlier in the story. I really had only my eyes on the story but I gotta disclose this before we move on.

Yes, most of the starting chapters had come from that story. And I have been told that it's fine to do that as long as I give credit. And I did. Along with other 2 great authors. (Attackingoreos, and FRG4402.)

And here's another thing that can defend me and possibly be beneficial to you all readers who are inspired and want to write.

See that in my highlighted area? Oval and weird-looking arrows? It says there "Creative Commons (CC) Attribution"

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See that in my highlighted area? Oval and weird-looking arrows? It says there "Creative Commons (CC) Attribution". And I know what you're asking, 'What in the hell does that mean?'

*ahem* According to this website, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/

"This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."

So it just means (don't mind the last part it isn't important to the subject) you can get ideas off my work and use it for your own work without repercussions. As long as you promote or credit the person you got that idea from. Like I did in Chapter 2 and the description of my book as I credit PiedpiperofTamlyin. (Please read that book. It's hella good.)

I've done my research and looked into the 'Legal Code' that is super long and just easy to misunderstand. So you don't have to. And I did this purposely for this exact situation. So I came prepared when the time comes. And I'm glad I did take those extra precautions.

But I hope the questions have been answered and let's just cut to the chase of the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!


From the craziness of yesterday's events, a guy or should I say, the only guy in the base wakes up in his office. He woke up much earlier than expected. 6:10 AM.

Then he immediately fixed his bed to be tidy. And he did since he liked cleanliness towards anything, and also, to see if there are any 'foxes' under the blanket.

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