10 •The Gala•

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The Gala

Girl crush- Harry Styles

a|n: Contains Mature Language


Mia's P.O.V.:-

"Guys code red I repeat we have a code red situation" I announce as soon as I walk through our home. "What happened who died? " Hannah rushed to the living room looking quite distraught, " Where's the fight who I have to kill" Em had a baseball bat in her hand ready for a fight while me and Hannah looked at her weirdly.

"No guys, no one died and neither you need to kill someone Em although if you killed that douche bag I would give you anything. I need a dress and a date so yes it is a code red. " I mean obviously it was an emergency situation to find a dress and a date both a headache for me.

"That's it, man I thought I would get to use my bat" Em dejectedly says while plopping down the couch, "Wait why do you need that and for the last time Mia such things are not emergencies so stop scaring us ..or rather me"Hannah says.

"Well don't tell that to a person who has dated all the hopeless people, anyway apparently I am invited to the success party of Aiden King before you both think otherwise he didn't invite me I am just going as a replacement as he is unavailable or rather as a retribution just because I cursed Aiden in front of him" I mean if he hadn't done it I would probably would have laying in my bed the whole weekend.

"Mia you got to stop fighting with him this is getting too much and as far as I know I am sure it was some petty reason which could be ignored and honestly it is irritating too I mean don't you get tired of the everyday fighting" Em says, petty reason what does she think I love to fight with him or what it is just that when I look at him I want to punch in his perfect teeth.

"Em it was not a petty reason you seriously think I like to fight with him" I mean I am a person to avoid a fight but that doesn't mean I would run from it.  "Generally yes, but for whatever reason in Aiden's case you find reasons to fight and also the reason your enemity started might not even be true as I told you before" Hannah tries to explain.

"Is it really the time to talk about this because honestly I am freaking out I don't have a dress and as far as I know finding a date for me is next to impossible" I try not to panic as I have already told aiden about me having a date and I don't want to give him any reason to laugh at me.

"Relax, we will look for a dress we might have something so no need to waste your money and as for your date I know you won't be comfortable with a random person so you can take Em with you I mean come on you don't need a man besides you." Hannah finds the solution as always I mean I can take Em as a date and honestly I would be comfortable with her the whole night and might even get to enjoy a bit rather than going with some guy who I barely know.

"Man thank god for that I would spend that money on some food rather than to buy some stupid dress which are expensive like hell by the way you are also coming right I mean I am sure by now Augustine might have asked you as always and Em are you okay coming I mean your one day of weekend gets ruined" Hannah always goes on the parties since she was with Augustine so it was no big secret that this year would be any different and I hope Em agrees as we all get to spend time together.

"Its fine I can come I don't have anything do anyway I mean you both are going so might as well tag along and also I might find some guys to look at" trust Em to find a reason like that and I am 100%sure she might be coming for that reason only not because she didn't have us on the weekend. We both look at Hannah waiting for her to answer.

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