13 • Amicis •

136 18 7



a|n: Contains Mature Language

Mia's P.O.V.:

"So how was it?" Em asked in a relatively suggestive way, while Hannah was trying to raise an eyebrow which was rather comical as she can't do it. So she always gives up after a lot of trying and then raises both of them while covering one.

"Hannah you look stupid when you do that, and guys we were talking not canoodling" I mean what did they except.

"Haa, canoodling funny word I like it" Hannah and Em were laughing at the word as if they heard something preposterous.

" I mean we just talked and it was good actually, Caelum really did think this through" the guy was a nice conversationalist so as of now when we had cleared our confusion I was looking forward to talking with him.

"Seriously you guys had the whole night and you 'talked' only you can do that especially when you are stick with such a hunk of a man" Hannah surprisingly was rooting for us to have sex which was weird cause she wasn't like that.

"Okay you guys are pressing too much, now seriously tell me what were you guys upto"my voice was stern as if not wanting to hear anymore of nonsense, which exactly was my mood. Hey try to to sleep on the floor then you'll know.

They both looked at each as if they knew there wasn't any escape and deciding who should be the first one to be open up.

"Well, you see we had placed a bet all of us that what were you going to do the whole night" Em explained carefully as if she was testing waters, while I heaved a sigh.

"Why do you guys do that, okay now I know what you must have bet seeing as the weird question you asked, what did the others bet and how much?" both seemed more nervous now.

"See, Alex and Anna bet that you would ask each other on date, Augustine thought nothing was going to happen and you'll end up fighting more, me and Em thought you would have sex, clearly you guys are disappointment. We lost 50 dollars man." What a load of crap, the hell Anna and Alex were thinking there was clearly no chance that was happening, hopeless romantic asses. Whom am i kidding I am too one of them.

And Em and Hannah were clearly not thinking with their heads and we were disappointments seriously bitch, Augustine's was probably the one which would have been ruled out as a possibility. 

" Do you guys not know me at all I mean seriously and Hannah why didn't you bet what Augustine did that actually makes more sense." they both look at me as if all of this was my fault. "Em was the one who thought that and I clearly supported her like a sister unlike you bitch cause I follow our rule 'bros before hoes' " she talked with a dramatic flare and pointing at me as if I had defied a sacred rule which was but it was not even my fault.

"And about we not thinking was because you clearly had a ability to lose your mind when ever Aiden is near and same goes for him so I thought you might do something you won't normally and plus you were stuck with the Aiden King, woman would kill you to be in that position" I would never do that guaranteed I can act a bit of weird around him but that doesn't mean I would sleep with him. 

"Speaking of the people you would try to kill me to take my place, bitch I'll have my knives ready" I mean come on I would bitch slap them.

Wait a minute I am missing something or rather someone.

"What did Caelum bet?" I know he probably would have bet something worse. " As much as I don't like it he bet that you won't have sex because in his tone Aiden was too pure for that and both of you are cowards when it comes to asking each other on date so you would most likely be good acquaintances" Em and Hannah were horrified that Caelum got something right that they didn't.

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