16 • The Proposal •

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The proposal

a|n: Contains Mature Language.

Mia's P.O.V.:-

The last two weeks were quite sensitive, we all were trying to get back to our lifes but still the memories lingered. I had already told Hannah which lead to her shouting at the asshole and screaming death threats, also at me for not telling earlier. After a week, Em started to come out for a shell again and was clearly annoyed as I was walking on eggshells around her which she hated. Aiden stayed true his word and it seems the guy was going to prison and was not coming out any time early. So all in all, everyone had their way of coping up and now were living normally though unfortunately this trauma will linger in our corners of mind.

Also, Aiden had gone to New York for the last two weeks for a business deal. I am feeling weird to admit but I was kind of missing to work with him, I mean he was great to work with nothing else.

That's it I am going to be in denial, surely that will help to let go whatever crush I have on him.

Immature, yes but do I care. Hell nah.

Though he called to check upon everyone, but I kind of felt weird that he was calling me everyday instead of Caelum or Augustine. As we all talk everyday, but whatever it felt amazing to talk to him as a friend only. I mean come on.

Anyways currently I was waiting outside Aiden's office with Caelum and Augustine. He had called us all saying it was something very important, though would tell only together. That didn't make any sense, as he was peaking inside Aiden's office.

We both also were peaking well trying to from the little bit of space as the door was left ajar.

"Man I don't like her, I don't know why Aiden even entertains her"Caelum commented looking ruefully at the brunette in his office. I learned her name was Sofia, she was cute.

"Caelum you both told me she is his friend, don't be so mean dude" both of them looked annoyed at me.

"Is she more important then us, that we have to keep waiting till she finishes" welp Augustine was going in sour mood for waiting.

"So you both are jealous that he is giving her time, come guys half of the day he is surrounded by you both. And where did she meet him, clearly she isn't in your group." it was clearly written all over their face

" She can keep dreaming but she won't ever be a part of us, trying to take our asshole away-" Caelum exploded.

"Woah Caelum chill he isn't going anywhere" I was again interrupted by Augustine.

"Don't tell him to do that Mia, and to answer your question she met him in business school. And we are jealous and no we aren't afraid to admit it" damn they literally hated her.

"And what kind of friend ever wants to talk so close, she is clearly trying to lure him. See she is touching his chest, that idiot is even letting her." sure enough she was standing close to him while her hand roamed on his chest.

"Tell me Mia you aren't feeling a bit of jealous too?" Augustine asked, sure enough I was going green with jealousy. And I don't even know why for a bit of crush, pfff.

Okay I was jealous of her, he looked so comfortable with her and they weren't even fighting like us.

"No, pfff why the hell I would be jealous. You guys have gone mad" they both were looking at me with crazy grins on their faces.

"Then why are you currently looking at her as if you want to murder her." shit busted.

"Because he is making us wait and Augustine clearly had something important to say so it unfair to make him wait" both of them had adorned a suspicious look.

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