12 •Periculum•

133 23 2



Imagine Dragons- Natural

a|n: Contains Mature Language.

Aiden's P.O.V.:-

I try to ignore the annoying giggles surrounding me, when a feel something at my neck but I ignore that too. Cause honestly this was the best sleep I had in the past week which was exhausting.

 However, I hear a clicking sound in the distance which sounds like a camera click followed by an "aww". Which was enough to wake me up, as you know it was creepy as fuck. I tiredly open my eyes, the first thing I noticed was I had cramp in my back due to the sitting position. The second was Mia nuzzling her head in the crook of my neck, while her hands were wrapped around my arm and her body pressed against me. I was confused at first as in how we ended up here, but then yesterday conversations hits me. 

We being locked up against our will might I add, apologizing to her about this week, then fighting and then clearing our misunderstanding followed by sorrys again.

I was so much stuck in my thoughts that I didn't notice my surroundings until water was splashed against my face. Ice cold water.

And that was enough to make Mia wake up, while in her haste she twisted my arm. This was not the way I was accepting she would react cause that was hurting like a bitch. "Oh my god Mia that is my arm" I had no shame in admitting that she had a strong ass hold.

"What, holy shit Aiden I am so sorry I was startled and I thought something happened I didn't know why I did-" I cut off her rambling. "It is fine I understand but can you leave my arm it is hurting" with that she leaves my arm, ah thank God.

"You guys have got to admit it was cool" Caelum's face was filled with glee as if pulled the most amazing prank, while Alex stands their with another bucket laughing his ass off.

We both get up from the floor drenched in water, our clothes wet and anger reflecting on our faces but also payback. Looking at the another bucket in the hand of Alex, we make a quick move. I put Caelum in a hold while Mia takes the bucket from Alex and douses it on Caelum which elicits a high pitched scream from him. "Was that cool enough for you?" Mia  sasses him. 

"I shouldn't have locked you both yesterday it is working against me" his reaction is as if he wrote his damnation. " Besides it wasn't even my idea it was Alex who thought" Alex looked like a deer caught in highlights as Mia turns to glare at him.

"Hey don't look at me like that my prank was harmless, Em was planning to use permanent marker to draw on your face imagine that" knowing a bit of Em, it sounded something like that she would do.

After that we all changed, both Mia and Caelum had borrowed clothes from Hannah and Augustine. I always had a pair of suit with me in case of emergency to which Mia had said, "Huh rich people" to which I had replied "more like sensible people".

"So finally it did work right.Unlike some people thinking that  you'll end up killing each other if locked up in one room."Caelum exclaims looking quite pleased with himself. "They did act like kids while fighting, honestly I am disappointed in both of you." Emilia says as if what happened was beyond her thinking. Also losing to Caelum is bad as he would leave no chance of rubbing it in your face.

"We have cleared our misunderstandings guys isn't that more than enough"Mia apparently was more amused looking at them. "We are glad cause we don't have to walk on eggshells around you" Hannah looked as if she was finally relived. "And also not hear you guys to bitch about each other all time" Augustine says as if I only talked about her the whole time, rubbish. "I don't care but I got to play my prank and that made my day" Alex was happy as far as I knew Mia isn't going to leave him.

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