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Hi guys. I just want to make a quick announcement/disclaimer. First of all, I'm LOVING how many new readers PITR is getting and how many people are adding it to their reading lists!! It makes me so happy that people are still wanting to read even after I've completed it.

Secondly, YES, Harry and Aurora's relationship is toxic. That's the whole point and plot of the book. It's what ultimately leads to the ending of the book. Love isn't sunshine and rainbows, and I truly wanted to point that out in PITR. They have their problems and they are toxic. I am in no way romanticizing toxic relationships AT ALL. It is part of the plot and the book, and I wanted to draw attention to the fact that love IS NOT all happiness where nothing ever goes wrong. People have their individual problems and make bad decisions before and AFTER getting into a relationship.

Thirdly: THIS IS FICTION. I think a lot of people somehow forget that? I don't know but I've seen lots of comments not only on my book, but other people's books as well that are incredibly rude towards the author or just simply full on bashing a character for making one mistake. These people aren't real, they are characters the author made up in their mind. They made them make those choices and mistakes FOR A REASON. So bashing the author for writing their character that way is unnecessary.

I just wanted to warn you all before you read so you know what to prepare for. I love you!!! <3


The man standing beside me immediately took my breath away. I'm not sure if it was the way his brown hair was neatly framed around his face, mixing with the tanned complexion of his skin that was littered with tattoos, or they way he shone brighter than anyone else in the room with his beauty, that made me feel as if I were underwater. His black sleeves were rolled halfway up his arms, revealing the ink on his biceps, making him seem tough, yet his facial features made him seem soft. It looked as if one of the paintings had come to life and was now in the real world instead of on a canvas. Words couldn't even begin to describe his beauty and it left me speechless. Those green eyes seemed to look straight into my soul, observing my every move and roaming over my body, making me feel like a weight was being pressed against my chest.

A small smile forms on his lips as he looks at me, tilting his head slightly to the side, "Did you hear what I said?" I watch his lips move, his accent ringing in my ears.

"Sorry, what?" I manage to say, still blown away by this man standing in front of me.

His lips curl into a bigger smile as he lets out a soft laugh, moving a bit closer to me, "I asked if you liked them."

"Like what?" My mind was completely blank.

"The paintings," he replies, turning his attention away from me and to the painting on the wall.

"Oh. Those," I breathe out, immediately feeling dumb, "I love them. They're so interesting. I'd love to meet the artist. It seems as if he put so much effort and thought into each one, making them truly display emotion. I feel like I could stare at them for days just to fully understand them."

The smile grows on his face as he turns his gaze back on me, a dimple appearing on his cheek, "Well, you're in luck."

"How so?" I ask.

"I'm Harry Styles. The artist."


Hi guys! So I've decided to write another book! I really hope you guys enjoy this book. I'm so proud of this one and I hope it gets so much love.

I feel like I've improved so much over the years with my writing and I hope you guys think the same as well!

Fair warning. The first few chapters aren't as great as I once thought they were. My writing has improved with every chapter that I write and I feel like I'll always continue to improve each and every time

(no seriously they're shit and I'm sorry about that so just skim you know?)

Anyway, thank you so much for everything you guys have done for me. If it weren't for ya'll reading my stories, I probably wouldn't even be writing any. I love all of you so much!



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