2 4 - A New Day

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Chapter 24: A New Day

As the morning birds cuckooed around their house, Annapurna stepped out of her room, ready and dressed to begin her day. It was a habit for her to be up by 7 and ready by 7:30, so that she could prepare the breakfast and help out with the housework. It wasn't soon when she'd be joined by Sujata at 8 on dot. However, she prefers to be awake and down earlier than everyone else so that she could organise everything for everyone.

While heading down the stairs, her eyes fall on Lakshya who was heading towards the exit door. Confused and clueless to his early appearance once again, she slightly rushed down to find out.

"Lakshya. . ." He halted his steps while taking a bite from an apple, cocking his head to the side. "Where are you going so early?"

"Don't stop me. . ." He uttered while chewing on the apple bite, "Gosh! Don't you even know it's inauspicious to be stopped." He added after swallowing, sounding annoyed.

She flapped her eyes while stopping in front of him, "wh. . ."

"It's none of your business, let's end it at that." He rudely remarked and shrugged at her, now turning back towards the door and heading outside as fast as he could.

Annapurna felt hurt yet composed herself from allowing the pain to flow out from her eyes, it wasn't anything new either, she had been enduring his rude comments and his appalling behaviour towards her and everyone for a long time. Yet, a part of her heart wanted him to reconcile with her. She was clueless and still is, to where she had went wrong.

Brushing the thoughts to the side, she roared towards the hall and slowly moved forward. "I hope you stay out of trouble Lakshya." She wished under her breath and increased her pace afterwards.


"Shit!" He exclaimed as loud as he could, banging his hand on the steering wheel.

"What?" Lakshya questioned while taking a seat inside the car, buckling himself in.

"It's activated and it kills! This is the first time I'm stepping out with this thing on my leg." Lakshya closed the door and scoffed while facing Uday.

"Quickly get to the court or the police will pin you down and drag you to the station. We will miss our chance." Lakshya explained and Uday sighed, clenching his teeth while sucking his breath to endure the currents he was receiving on his legs.

"I can't. . ."

"Switch. Mine doesn't activate until 8ish." Lakshya uttered and Uday gave him a look, "Lucky!"

Lakshya smirked, "I know I am. It's in my name, Lucky."

Uday took his seatbelt off and so did Lakshya, both hurried to step out so that they could make it to the court in time and before the police find Uday and take him away.


Ragini's eyes open after she felt her body heat up, she tiredly blinked and took the blanket off from her chest, realising she was tucked in. While closing her eyes again, she turned to the side, noticing Parvati and Swara weren't with her anymore.

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