3 1 - Embarassing Moment

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Chapter 31: Embarrassing Moment

He pushed her to the side and she fell onto the floor. Lakshya stepped in and stood in front of her and Palak, glaring at her father.

"You'll have to go through me to get to them." Ragini lifted her head up from the ground, staring at Lakshya's back.

"Ahhhh!" They cock their heads to the side, seeing Uday pinned down onto the floor and the phone taken off him.

Nikhil's father sighed a relief and Uday relaxed his body. "What's your passcode?"  The man asked and Uday closed his eyes, resting his head onto the floor.

"What's the passcode?" He asked again, shaking Uday.

"I feel dizzy." He replied, pretending to be dizzy and nauseous.

"It's okay, just break the phone." Nikhil's father uttered and Uday opened his eyes in shock.

"No, you can't break it. My mum gifted it to me."

The guard stood up, placing the phone on the floor and stepping on it multiple times until the screen cracked and turned off by itself, shocking Uday, Ragini, Palak, Nikhil, Lakshya and Ananya.

"Now what will you do!" His father mocked and Uday sighed in disbelief.

"My phone. . ." His voice cracked as he trialled off, staring to get emotional.

Ragini stood back up. "Please don't do this. . ." She requested this time but her father wasn't in the mood to.

"Guard!" He ordered and the guard that broke Uday's phone walked towards them, holding onto Lakshya.

"She trusted you to tell you that she wanted to get married." Ragini further continued, "she trusted you to reveal that she's pregnant. . . Please don't do this to her."

"You'll only understand once you have your own kids!" Her mother shouted as she glared at Ragini. "This is more than just embarrassing!"

"So what? If I have my kids then I'll even let them marry the white. . . There's nothing wrong in that. As long as they stay happy!" Lakshya snapped back, feeling triggered. "Why can't they be happy! You're not entitled to them! You gave birth to them and done your job, they're not your puppets that they need to dance on your every tune! Why did you even give birth to them if you can't even let them breathe properly? Why is it always different when it comes to you? They're you're kids, respect them cause one day you'll be childless!"

Everyone were silent as he continued lashing out. "You parents think whatever decision you make for us is best for us but DO we ever TELL you it's best for us? Why are we forced to live on your terms when we have our own life to handle! What I'm feeling right now is my thoughts, you can never understand me because YOU'RE NOT ME!"

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