Chapter 9: Not Suffering alone

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(Y/n POV)
After seeing Changkyun & Wonho still Teasing Each other I than Realized that It's time for me to go home, So then I told them That I have to go, but then I was stopped, "Hey Y/n are you going to bring the Puppies" Said Wonho, "Umm actually can you guys watch them for me because I don't want them to be in the same Problem and I don't want them to suffer either", I said in a worried tone. Then after that I left them and walked home, But the thing I didn't no realize is that I hear footsteps walking behind me and not to be surprised I saw Wonho and Changkyun walking behind me, Then I saw Wonho Mouthing something, "We will keep an eye on you", I just nodded and kept walking until I arrived to my House, and You already know what will happen to me so, there is no need for me to Explain...
After I'm still In pain & Blood still gushing out of my leg, but this time it was more painful this time they had knives but most of the time they were playing with knives but everytime If I don't answer They will press the knife on a body part and will make deep cuts and Etc., when I'm still on the floor I then heard a Knock from the window and to My surprise I saw Changkyun and Wonho Looking at me with a worried look through the Window. When I was about to Move I then saw Wonho signalling me to not move so I didn't and then I saw Changkyun Holding something but I couldn't really see it because my vision is also very blurry, then seconds later I saw them Inside of the basement standing there in front of me while looking at me with worrisome but before they could say anything I collapsed because of blood loss and this made them gasp in fear.

(Changkyun POV)
After Y/n collapsed I jumped because it was a really hard thump, While On the other Hand Wonho being like a mom Gasp in fear while his eyes started to water, (I know He's Crybaby😂) I then started to look around the basement to see if there is any First-aid kits and to realize there's nothing but all Dusty and empty bottles of things that I don't know, Then something caught my eye there's Rubbing alcohol (And I know you may question, "Why will there be rubbing alcohol in a basement" Well let me tell you I DON'T KNOW!?") So I grabbed the rubbing Alcohol and ripped a piece of my sweater and placed it on Y/n's wound, While Wonho looks around the basement so no can see us & Holding onto Y/n for comfort Even Tho her Body is already unconscious but he is holding her for Support (I guess).
(Still in the process of Caring)
(Author POV)
Okay,. While Changkyun is still helping Y/n's Wounded Leg, Wonho on the other hand being the most alerted person ever & is telling Changkyun that he is doing it wrong & is in a verge of tears (Not but mostly worried), But they are on a verge of Bickering, "Yah YAH! You're doing wrong Look how much blood is still coming out!?!, You have to put something & tie it on her leg so that not a lot of blood will come out. Wonho said in a loud whisper, "Ohh~~ Okay, Yeah I'm totally doing it wrong huh, Well..HELP ME THEN, INSTEAD OF JUST LOOKING AT ME & CRITICIZING ME ON HOW I'M DOING IT!! Changkyun said with a Sarcastic & Annoyed tone, & They're bickering never ended here it just kept going & (Feel free to imagine). While still helping & Bickering they then heard a noise from up stairs which caused them to stop & Then they saw something which made them feel shocked and Terrified but the thing is they can't go out of the window because it would of been to loud so then they hid in the corner of the basement, But they didn't put the stuff away on time, then the door opened.

(Y/n POV)
While my body is still stinging in pain, I then felt something that is sharp & is being deeply pressed In which caused me to wake up then I noticed that it was my Parent's standing there with a sinister grin on they're faces while Jennie is in front of me hold a knife against my stomach, "Oh look we have here, the most pathetic person we have Yoo Y/n or I will say the most useless Step-sister of mine, Jennie said, "Hey were did you get this (Holding the rubbing Alcohol), Mom Said, "ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LIE TO US AND NOT TELL THE TRUTH!!! Dad said in anger. Then in seconds I was stabbed...

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