Chapter 25: A Little Misunderstanding..

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(Author POV)
Changkyun & Y/n are now heading home but when they were walking Y/n started to feel the same sense sensation again but this time it feels like it's more closer than usual which is causing her to feel more anxious since this is giving her the same feeling when she was with the Kim Family as if she was being watched by them if she did something wrong. By just the thought of it she started to get light headed causing Changkyun to turn around to face Y/n, "Hey are you okay?, do you want me to carry you again?", Changkyun said in a uneasy tone, "O-oh yeah I'm fine just feel a little bit light headed that's all" Y/n said while trying to lighten up the mood with her nervous smile. "You don't seem fine in front of my eye but if you think you are fine then okay, just don't lie to me that's all, because I hate people lying to me in front of my face" Changkyun said while giving me the most scariest glare ever as if there was fire that just lit up a little bit, "O-oh okay..." Y/n said in a mumbled tone & they just kept on walk.

(Y/n POV)
While me & Changkyun were still walking in silence, I just started to admire the little Penguin that he gave me, & by just looking at it, all I felt was warmth in my chest & I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I just think it's a good thing because I have never felt this way when I'm with someone since I have never felt this way before. I was still stuck in my thoughts I bumped into something causing me to stumble a little bit, "Hey we are home.." I then heard a deep voice that was coming out of Changkyun's mouth causing me to look up since he is taller than me..., "Oh really I didn't know I was lot in my thoughts😅" I said flashing a nervous smile, but when that happened I didn't expected this but I felt Changkyun's hand on the left side on my cheek as he stared into my eyes. At this moment so much thoughts were running through my mind because I don't know what's gonna happen next So I just tried to go with the flow you know but then out of no where Changkyun's face was slowly approaching to mine as if I started to feel his breath brushing through my skin, It was so close that I thought he was about to kiss me but It didn't happen, he just pulled away & stared into my eyes again... (In my thoughts) "WHY DOES THIS MAN KEEP PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS JUST DO IT ALREADY!?!" I was to the point where I'm confused & just wanting this moment so badly but it didn't happen at all😫😭 so even before I can say anything Changkyun just pulled me in his embrace as he placed his lips on my forehead... (Processing..) "OH MY GOSH DID HE JUST KISSED ME ON MY FOREHEAD!? OH MY GOSH LORD PLEASE HELP ME I CAN'T HELP IT BUT TO JUST PANIC BECAUSE MY CHEST IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE & I CAN'T PROCESS ON WHAT JUST HAPPENED RIGHT NOW!?!?" Seconds later Changkyun pulled away & just looked at me & to see me have the most Shocked Expression ever, causing him to chuckle at my expression then he spoke, "I Know we are friends & all but I think it's a best idea for me to just get a little bit closer to you since I have never expressed my emotions a lot but when I'm with you I just tend to let all of my emotions out... & I just want to thank you for that... But just don't take it as a bad way it's a good thing that you help me to be more opened up... & I also know that you have a dirty mind so don't expect me to Kiss You already, You seem like a person that is so clueless with everything all the time.." Changkyun said flashing me a smile which also caused me to smile back, then seconds later he just patted my head & walked into the Apartment but even before he walked in he said something else & just ruining whole atmosphere again, "Also pay attention next time when you are walking dummy...", "YOU PIECE OF SH~..."

(??? POV)
"Oh so you live here now... Interesting... Mr. Park write down the address so that someday I'm gonna visit them, Yes Ms. Kim.."

(Y/n POV)
*Crying* "Oh my gosh where is Y/n!!, Man we are such Bad BROTHERS!!! *crying loudly* "Okay this is not I wanted to see" I said getting everyone's attention & It was a bad idea..., (Hyungwon & Kihyun) "Y/N!!! WHERE WERE YOU, WE WERE WORRIED SICK!!! MAN I HOPE YOU FORGIVE US!! *More Crying* they said while hugging me "I was at the Park & It wasn't you're guys fault & I forgive you guys" I said trying to calm them down, "Okay then, THEN WHO DID IT HUH!?" Kihyun said lashing at me, "YEAH WHO DID IT Y/N BECAUSE I'M GONNA PUNCH THE LIFE OUT OF HIM!" Hyungwon said lashing at me also, at this moment I didn't know what to do but to just silently point at the direction... Which both Hyungwon & Kihyun followed my finger on who I was pointing at & you already know what gonna happen next.. (Both Hyungwon & Kihyun) "YOU!?!?" They said while death glaring at Changkyun while he just stand there not understanding what's happening, and again both of them started to yell at him like wild animals while the dogs were barking because of the noise level or more like they thoughts it's "Play Time" but it's not... "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER I.M!?" said Hyungwon, "I.M DID YOU TOUCH MY LITTLE SISTER!?" Said Kihyun yelling in the tops of his lungs, "I.M ANSWER US!!!" All they did was lashing at him while Changkyun was standing there panicking because he doesn't know what's happening while he was trying to ask me for help but it was useless both of them just ignored me, & that's when I had my boiling point, "HYUNGWON!! KIHYUN!! OPPA!!!" I said yelling, "(Both of them) WHAT!!!", "Okay you guys have a misunderstanding, Nothing happened between me & Changkyun he went out to look for me when I ran away & that's all, nothing happended" I said trying to explain everything, "Okay Okay then who gave you that Penguin in you're hand then..." Kihyun said staring at me while I putted my hands behind my back, "OH YOU LITTLE!!!" And that's when I can't do nothing no more but to just watch there endless bickering, "AHHHH!!!!" After just standing there trying to stop their bickering I ended up seeing Wonho standing right next to me, "Umm hey Y/n are you okay?, we were worried that something happended to you?" Wonho said sounding a little bit uneasy tone, "Oh yeah I'm fine Thanks for asking, & Sorry for worrying.." I said, "Oh it's fine I'm just glad that you came back that's all" Wonho said flashing me a smile causing me to smile back also, "Also one more thing can I talk to you in my room privately it's something that I want to talk about.." Wonho said while looking down, "Oh sure" then seconds later I started to head into Wonho's room...

Well just posted another Chapter Hope you guys enjoy it😊, and sorry if the chapter is short 😓😅, Well see you guys later Bye Bye💜❤

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Well just posted another Chapter Hope you guys enjoy it😊, and sorry if the chapter is short 😓😅, Well see you guys later Bye Bye💜❤

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