Chapter 21: Glass Shatter Pt. 2

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(Y/n POV)
"W-what did you say.." I said trying my best to process on what I just heard, "Y/n We are You're brother's.." Kihyun said trying to explain everything to his Little sister, "W-what do you mean!?" I said confusingly while my tears are slowly building up, "Look Y/n I know this may be complicated but let us try to explai-", Hyungwon was cut off, "NO!!! I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO EXPLAIN IT TO ME!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I said while tears are now rolling down my face, but when I tried to run out of the room I was stopped by Kihyun, "Y/n Please let us explain to you.." Kihyun said pleading me to stay & try to listen to their explanation...
(Sitting on the couch)
I ended up agreeing to their suggestion & now we are sitting in the living room while Wonho is on my right while Changkyun is on my left, & Hyungwon & Kihyun are sitting right next to each other in the left side of the room. "So Y/n I know you may be confused on what's happening right now but please listen" Hyungwon said as I looked down while fidgeting with my fingers,
"So Y/n I know this may be shocking to you but...I'm not actually You're real brother but I'm mostly You're stepbrother...", Hyungwon said while staring at me deeply with sorry & guilty eyes, "I Know you maybe remember me as a "brother" that you can always rely on & trust, Until I abandoned you that day...& I'm sorry for that.." Hyungwon said in a guilty tone. I can't believe what I just heard!?, "So you're telling me you're the person that abandoned me in a F*cking HELL HOLE!!!" I said while my angry slowly took over me, Hyungwon was about to say something but I cutted off his words, "Y/n Let me try to Explai-", "NO I DON'T NEED YOU'RE EXPLANATION!! YOU KNOW THAT I WAS LITTLE, YOU SHOULD OF KNOWN THAT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING BY MYSELF!!, I TRUSTED YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART & YOU JUST ABANDONED ME LIKE THAT!?, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN I WAS GOING THROUGH!!, SO MUCH PAIN!! & YOU JUST LEAVE ME WITHOUT LOOKING BACK!!" I said everything raising the top of my lungs Screaming while my tears were rolling down non-stop, while Hyungwon just sat there regretting his actions, & Kihyun was trying his be to confront Hyungwon, Then I spoke again, "And you, What are you doing here, Why are here to invade my Personal Life Huh, TELL ME WHO ARE YOU!?!, BECAUSE I REMEMBER I ONLY HAVE ONE BROTHER THAT ABANDONED ME & THAT'S ALL!!" I said yelling at Kihyun, but I felt like he knows what gonna happen next so he ended up answering me, but his answer made my heart stop for a second, "Okay well I know this is gonna happen so, Y/n He is just you're stepbrother, & What I'm gonna tell you is something will make you not believe me but trust me this did happen, So I am you're Real Biological Brother, We both have the same Last names, You're Yoo Y/n & I'm Yoo Kihyun..." All I felt was Confused & a hard pain that was stinging into my chest on what I have heard so I just stood there froze then he spoke again, "Our parents had us in a Young age & they didn't want us anymore so they send the both of us to an orphanage, You were really young then like 1 years old, & You didn't know what was happening then. But it doesn't matter if we stayed with our Biological parents because they didn't care for the both of us at all, & When we arrived at the Orphanage I tried my best to take care of you until a family adopted you which is the Kim Family, & Hyungwon was also adopted from that family also, But trust me, I am you're really Brother & I will always promise you that I will never let you go again", Kihyun said begging me to trust him so I just stood there feeling lost, then seconds later I spoke, "Are you actually my real brother?..." I said not trusting what he said at first because I had so much thing in my head that I tried to process either if he is telling me the trust or he is lying to me, "Yes you are, *Take out paper with information* Here are the document's" Kihyun said directing me of each info. about me & him, so I just nodded which caused him to continue, "So The first info. Is about our Biological parents & what they have done, So it mostly say that our parents owned a pretty big companies until it got banked-rupted, & that's when things went haywired. But until this day we don't know what they are currently doing right now", Kihyun said to me which caused me to just nod again, Until Hyungwon spoke, "Hey how did you get those documents!?", Hyungwon said questioning Kihyun, "I took it from you're car, when you were getting something from you're work place" Kihyun said in proudly tone, while Hyungwon just death glared Kihyun, "From now on I'm not taking you with me when I'm driving no more", Hyungwon said, "Okay Whatever but don't worry I got some more documents *Shows more documents*" Kihyun said while showing more paper's but in a proud manner which caused me to laugh a little, "Okay, So Y/n & this is our info. (Tells everything to Y/n, Sorry I got lazy I didn't feel like typing as much😅), "Kihyun... Hyungwon... can I talk to you guys outside for a second..." I said while putting my head down, Both of them: "Oh sure", Then we started head out leaving Changkyun & Wonho. "So what do you want to talk abou-" I cutted of their sentence & Just tightly Hugged the both of them, & the whole atmosphere was filled Joy, & All I can do was to just hug the both of them while my tears are slowly rolling down my face, "Ahh~ Y/n Don't cry~" Kihyun said while Wiping my tears away with his thumb, "I-I Just missed you guys so much, My life has been so T-traumatizing" I said as I kept on balling, Then Kihyun spoke to Hyungwon, "And you just have to leave her don't yah!?" Kihyun said in a sassy tone, "Well I didn't do it on purpose, It's just I cared about my well being & Y/n's but you should know that I don't have that kind of Money or anything when I was taking care of her, Like I wanted to bring her but things would of been more worse so I didn't & I at least wanted her to live in a house more than to live outside in the streets which is more dangerous & Scary" Hyungwon said revealing everything, "So you're saying that You didn't mean to leave me..?" I said in a quiet tone, "No Y/n I never wanted to leave you, I just wanted you safe, even though the Kim Family is not safe for you or me, I just wanted you to at least have a house to stay at that's all. Because if I did you're life would be endangered & I didn't want that", Hyungwon said, at this moment I didn't know what to do but to just sob constantly because of how misunderstood them, even though the both of them went through a lot already, "I-I'm S-sorry It's all of my F-fault" I said stuttering non-stop, "No It's not you're fault Y/n don't blame yourself because you did nothing wrong" Kihyun said, "B-but I misunderstood you guys, I just should of listened to you guys first before lashing at you guys", "No it's Fine Y/n, It's okay to have a misunderstanding at times, & We should be the one's that is sorry" Hyungwon said while holding my hand, Then this is when I said something to them which made both of their heart flutter, "I Love You Guys.." I said softly smiling at them, At first they just looked at each other then out of no where they both kissed my cheek & Tightly hugged the life out of me. And that's when my life slowly became safe again.... For now...

Well hope you guys enjoy this chapter It's took me sometime but It's okay😅 And yeah see you guys later Bye Bye👋💜

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Well hope you guys enjoy this chapter It's took me sometime but It's okay😅 And yeah see you guys later Bye Bye👋💜

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