chapter twenty two

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Lea's P.O.V

I woke up when I fell the bed moving. I turn around and saw Wyatt sitting on the side of the bed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was eight in the morning.

The sun was slowly coming up. Wyatt sighed running a hand through his messy hair. He look behind him and saw me.

" Hey."  it was more a whisper,  but he heard it.

" Hey. Why don't you go back to sleep. It's really early." I nodded my head laying back down.

I woke back up when I hear the bathroom door close. I open my eyes and saw Wyatt putting on a shirt. I look at the clock and saw that it was now eleven in the morning. He turn around and saw me awake.

" How long are you awake?" I shrug my shoulders hugging the pillow next to my head." A few seconds ago." I said in my morning sound.

He walked to the bed and sit down on the edge. Something was wrong with him. I sat up looking at him.

" Look last night." He started with a sighed.

" It shouldn't have happen. " I know that I didn't feel anything for him and I know that last night was just something that had happen, but something inside of me was upset that he said that.

" I know, it was nothing special. Just two people sleeping together." I said looking at him with no emotion in my voice.

 " Uhu just sex." I nodded my head.

" Jup, just sex." He stood up walking to the door.

" If you want to shower you can." He said before closing the door. I ran a hand through my hair before standing up. I took some clothes from my bag before walking into the bathroom.

Why did I do it? I know that I'm hurt, but there are other ways to go through a break up. Eating ice cream, crying, I don't know.

I turn on the shower before stepping out my clothes. The water was warm and nice. I close my eyes letting the water soak my hair. The words keeps repeating in my head.

" Just sex." I whisper to myself.

I don't like him, I hate him. I hate him for taking me away from my family, for beating me, for making me know about Nate and Cady, for making me see all those horrible things and I hate him for this.

I just hate him.

I lean against the shower wall with my eyes still closed. What if his right and this shouldn't have happen. Why am I even think about this. I don't have any feelings towards him only hatred not more not less. I know that I thought that he was different but he's not.

He kills people and hurt them. What if you he's gonna use me just like his dad use his mom. This can't be happening. He want to play a game with me.

Okay Wyatt game on.

I turn off the shower before walking out of it. I put on my clothes looking myself in the mirror. I need to make a plan to play this game. I'm not gonna let myself use, for a sick game.

He's a teenage boy that was alone for the most part of his life. He don't know what real love is and want to know that. He saw his mom get killed by his dad who loved her, but never said it. I know that he don't want to end up like him, so maybe I can play in on that.

I walked out the bathroom and out the bedroom walking downstairs. I found Wyatt leaning against the counter looking outside. His black sweater cover the halve of his hands. I lean against the door opening looking at him.

" What are you doing?" I asked making him turn around.

" Noting just thinking." He said. I raise a eyebrow before walking to the table sitting down.

" So do wane tell me why you made a mess from the house last night?" He chuckle shaking his head.

"Like I said before you don't care, so why would I tell you." I stood up from the chair and walked to him. I smile sweetly putting my hands on his chest.

" But I do care, you just don't see it." He was thrown back first, looking confuse making me smile more.  I bit my lip still looking at him. I felt his hands going up my arms. I thought that it was working and I was winning him over, but I was wrong.

He grab my wrist turn us around. He push me against the counter looking mad as fuck. " What kind of game are you playing with me Lea. First last night and now this." I didn't say anything back when he yelled at me.

" Whatever it is, it's not working." His grab on my wrist was more tightly.

" Last night was noting." I said back.

" Your right it was noting,  but this. I know you hate me and that you're afraid of me, so why this." I scoffed pulling my wrist away from his grip.

" Your wrong Wyatt I'm not afraid anymore of you." I whisper before walking away leaving him standing at the counter the way I found him. 

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