Ch 3

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Chicago, USA

Enzo didn't want to leave his wife and son behind, going to New York on a business trip. He hated to be parted with his family even for a single day. He perfectly knew it was just a night trip, and he would be back before tomorrow midnight. Holding Santo closer to his body, he smelled his natural baby perfume, while playing with his hair.

Kate was seated across them, witnessing the father-son's alone time. Enzo always did this before going to any business trip. She could easily figure out that her husband wasn't happy leaving them here. But, Kate was somewhat happy that Enzo would be away for a day, as she was planning to celebrate his 33rd birthday with a surprise, baking the birthday cake, also decorating it by herself and she couldn't do that if he stayed at home.

Looking at his watch, Enzo knew better that he had to leave right away or he would miss his flight. So he stood up carrying Santo, and told Kate that he was leaving. Giving Santo back to her, Enzo kissed his son's forehead. Kate wrapping her arm around Enzo's mid section, all three of them gather for a group hug. Enzo then broke free and taking her face on both of his hand he kissed her gently. Then turned around to leave.

But Enzo didn't want to leave yet. So he turned back and crashed his lips on hers roughly and started kissing her again. This time his tongue slipped through hers, tasting her, teasing her and demanding to be the controlling one of their heated kiss. Panting they both parted away. Then flashing a smile, he left for the airport.


  Kate was way past of her schedule. She didn't know giving Santo a bath would be this difficult. That damn boy didn't want to come out of his bathtub, wanting to play more with water and the toy duck babies. Yet she managed to get him ready for going outside in a record time. Damn! Motherhood was hard, she thought to herself. After going to the malls, buying the ingredients for the baking, she hurriedly came home. She was about to put Santo on sleep, then her mother-in-law called. Kate was upset that Nicola was too out of city and got even more upset when she heard, Nicola would not be able to attend Enzo's birthday celebration. They talked more some time over the phone. When Santo started to whining for his nap, she had to end the call.

When Santo was asleep, she thought to make a trial cake beforehand so would be able to make the perfect frosting cake for her husband. It was in the evening when Enzo called her and checked up on her. Kate was assuring him that they both are perfectly fine, even teasing him saying that there weren't missing him at all. All he did was laughing at her wife's comment. After that they ended the call and again Kate focused on the cake. She also made the decorations parts, cutting papers and some origami. She had to finish this before Santo could wake up and destroy her hard work.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone, Kate thought to herself. Without delay she went towards the door and looked through the peephole. Surprisingly no one was seen. Then her thought drifted off to Natasha, her colleague. The last time Kate visited her, she too did this type of prank. Smiling wickedly, she opened the door. And that the biggest mistake she had ever done in her whole fucking life.

Kate couldn't comprehend what happened to her within the few seconds. Group of men in whole black outfits with guns, knives and other lethal weapons carrying in their hands came rushing into house hurriedly. Taking her mouth shut with one's palm around her lips, 4 men pointed their weapons against her, 4 other men were wondering around the house looking for something. Then it hit her. Her son! Her sweet little boy was taking his nap in the room, while these attackers were searching through her house. She was whimpering against the man, who was holding her with a tight grip. She tried her best to wriggle through but she failed nonetheless. They hit her with the back of the gun. And the attackers were warning her to keep her mouth shut, if she didn't then they would kill her son. Hearing the death threats, she nodded her head vigorously. Then her attacker removed his hand.

"What do you want? Money? I c-can give you money. How much do you want? I will give you everything, just leave my son alone."

Kate begged them to spare her son. But for some reason, they were not into the money. Suddenly someone started to bind her hands behind her. Then she started again,

"My husband has a lot of money. We can give you as much you wan- "

"Shut the hell up. We don't want your fucking money. Now get up here and start writing what I m telling you. And don't try to scream or run. One wrong move and we will blow your son's head. Understood?"

She only could just nod her head. Then she started to write.

' Don't try to contact the police. If you involve anyone, your wife and your son won't survive to see the next day. We will contact you soon. Again, if some party is to be involved, then you won't get to see them ever again. Mark those words. '

Trembling with fear, she looked up to them. Then suddenly she was gagged. Before she could scream, she could her eyelids were getting heavy. And shortly she welcomed the darkness.


(Not edited)

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