Ch 13

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The following day Kate got up early and did her morning routine like she used to do back in Chicago. By then Santo got up, and she got his ready for breakfast.

Enzo was surprised to see Kate this early in the morning. Then she put Santo on the baby chair and asked for the direction of the kitchen to prepare his baby food. In the dinning table she was greeted by her father-in-law, Anthony ; Enzo's uncle, Giovanni ; his uncle's wife whom she saw the previous day, Luna ; their son, Leo ; their daughter, Leona. She just greeted back but said nothing else.

After the breakfast Kate was with Leona in the back garden, Santo was playing and giggling at the fresh grass. Then a little baby came crawling at her feet. The same baby who was playing with Santo. It was Leo's daughter, only 9 months old. Soon after a woman came running at the child direction, Leo's wife, Gianna. The three lady talked with each other, while the kids were playing by themselves. Gianna was indeed older than her, precisely 2 years older than her. They talked nothing serious just the basics. They weren't as crazy as she thought they would. In fact no one discussed anything what had happened 5 days ago. And she was thankful for that.


Later in the evening, Anthony called Lorenzo in his study room to discuss about the party he wanted to throw inviting the whole nation, when he would announce Lorenzo his successor. Enzo didn't like the idea where his wife and son would be exposed to his potential enemies. He had already enough on his plate and didn't want to add more. So they decided postponed the party for another week till Enzo figured out to manage being in his new position now.

Also he had to deal with Fico and his father would handle Francesca. Enzo knew about Fico's fucked up actions for the last five years. Like when the First baby they miscarried, Fico was whoring around and had gotten a bimbo pregnant. Then The Lucianos hunted down the girl and murdered her along with the child. They thought if the bimbo produced a heir, Stella would have to meet the same fate Nicola did all those years ago. Frankly, Lorenzo didn't care about Stella, that bitch deserved such fate. But he didn't know all the details, so Anthony updated his with the rest.

Giovell Luciano had never approved Fico to be his son-in-law. He always preferred Lorenzo for his only daughter, Stella. He should have made Stella to get an abortion when they got to know about the pregnancy. If he had then Stella would have been Lorenzo's wife and he would willingly handed his fortune to Lorenzo. When Fico married Stella, he thought Fico would change but no! He created more problems and more enemies for both Rossis' and Lucianos'. If they hadn't signed the contract then he would surely made Stella to sign the divorce papers. But her daughter was another pain in the ass. She then again got pregnant by Fico after three years of trying. But when she got to learn that the baby was a girl, she terminated her pregnancy. Fico and the Rossis' were devastated by her actions. So they kicked her out and now she was staying at her father's, making Lucianos' their top most fatal enemy.

Anthony Rossi was anxious after knowing Fico had another whore got pregnant but unfortunately the baby girl was a stillborn. Anthony was afraid that Fico was not in any condition to run his legacy. He had to bring his first born son back to his homeland again. And by the mercy of God , Enzo was already blessed with a son. Then he swore, he would definitely bring Lorenzo back no matter what.

The past year had been the worst of all. Anthony had to handle the business at the same time clearing up the messes Fico had  created. When Fico felt that his position was about to collapse, he started taking drugs and fixated raping the whores to get pregnant with a male heir. His thirst for breeding a son had made him blind to see that he was losing his sanity. He thought if he had produced a son, then he would be able to maintain his position. But Anthony had enough with his nonsense and was merciful that he didn't disown him. Then his father lowered Fico's rank and made him to look after the several night club they had own.

Enzo was having a headache while listening to his father rumbling. He excused himself and unconsciously he went the room where Kate were sleeping. He looked at Kate and pride flew through his heart. She was an amazing woman. Quietly then he picked the duvet up and got inside of the bed to lay beside her.

Kate was about to scream when she felt an arm around her waist, then instantly Enzo stopped her by putting his left palm on her mouth.

"Shhh cara! You will wake up Santo"

Kate was mumbling something under his hand but he couldn't understand. Then he noticed that he still was blocking her mouth. Removing his hand, he pulled her closer with both of his hands.

"What the fucking are you doing here, Enzo?" Kate whispered-yelled at him.

"Sleeping and you should too"

"Get the fuck out, Enzo!" This time a little louder causing Santo to fuss a bit.

"See! You are waking him up. Now shut your mouth and sleep. Please cara, I need to sleep"

Hearing his plea, she shut her eyes closed and got closer to Santo. Not soon before Enzo pulled her back again to his chest and snuggled closer, smelling her sweet scent.

Kate missed her husband's embrace too. Therefore she didn't say anything when Enzo was breathing into her. She liked being close to him. She felt secure in around him. Without saying another word, they both drifted off to sleep.


(Not edited)

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