Ch 9

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In Kate's mind,there was only one thing that she kept thinking. Lorenzo Rossi. Her husband's new identity or should she say true identity. It was still hard for her to process all these. Fuck! Who was her husband! If she looked back her almost 2 years of married life now, she could tell that she knew nothing about her husband. Hell! Not even his real name. To his defence, Enzo was merely a short form of Lorenzo. And Venezio was his grandmother's surname . So technically he didn't deceive her about the name.

His whole family was fucked up. When she heard what happened to Nicola all those years ago, she felt proud of her mother-in-law that she didn't submitted to her cheating husband. But she was still mad at Nicola too, the mother-son duo had deceived her in every possible way they could. Her whole married life was a lie. All thanks to her deceitful, liar husband. She wanted to leave him right then, there's no doubt. But she didn't, because of Santo. She felt like crying all over again. In what mess she had gotten herself into. She couldn't just take Santo and leave Enzo to his pathetic family.

Even if she wanted to run away with her son, she wouldn't be able to succeed . That's because she was in Italy now. Fucking great! She had no idea about her whereabouts. She was almost passed out from hearing all the shocking news at a time. She needed time to think. If she had been just by herself, she would have run away no matter which country she was in. But she couldn't let suffer Santo because of her. She had a child to think about. Fucking hell! These events started to give her a severe headache.

Kate knew it was hard on Enzo too. But she was so angry at him that right now she didn't bother to console him. She too had been through a lot. And she had a lot of things to sort out. The more she thought about Enzo, the more she was raging with fury. So when Enzo was done with his confession, she threw him out the room and locked her inside. She didn't want to see him. His betrayal had cut her deep bleeding her heart out. What a fool she were! She fell in love with that lying bastard.

Kate jumped up on her feet, when she heard s loud banging on the door.

" cara, open the damned door right now"

She was going to ignore him when she heard,

"Mama, daa!"

Hurriedly she opened up the door, saw Enzo was standing carrying Santo on his arm. She took Santo from him and was about to close the door on Enzo's face, he held the door stopping her to close it.

"Have dinner with Santo. I will bring the food here"

She just nodded her head and shut the door.

Shortly after that Enzo brought their food in the room and gave Kate her medicine. After dinner three of them were alone in the room. Santo seemed sleepy because he started sucking his thumb while lying on the bed.

Enzo was observing Kate. She didn't push him out like she did before. That's what he admired most about Kate. She was so mature and well understanding of her age. He knew she didn't want to let Santo sense the tension that going between his parents. It might effect on him gravely. Kate might hate Enzo right now, but she loved her son. After putting Santo to sleep she told Enzo to leave the room.

"It's my bedroom cara"

"Then get me and Santo another room"

"You will not stay away from me, Kate. You are my wife and my wife sleeps with me, on my bed"

Sighing, Kate replied, "Don't start this now, Enzo. Please, I m at my limit. So spare me today and arrange a room for me"

Getting closer to her he said, " Like I said, you will sleep on my bed. So you can stay here and I'll leave. But this isn't over. You can't just ignore me forever"

"We'll see"

Without replying her, he went to Santo and kissed him on the forehead and run his hand through his son's hair for a few times. When he was about to lean closer to Kate, she pushed him back,

"Don't you fucking dare touch me"

Grimly Enzo backed away from her and when he was at the end of the door he said, "Happy fucking great Birthday to me" and shut the door with a force, making her jump a little. But thankfully her son didn't get up.

Fuck! Amidst all these, she had forgot to wish him. Wow! At least it was his real birth date. Again thinking about all these, her mind became numb. After a long shower, she went to sleep beside her son. Santo looked more like Enzo day by day. God! What she would do!


(Not edited)

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