Ch 16

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The day had finally come, when Anthony would declare Lorenzo as his successor. Enzo too had waited long enough for this day. At only 33, he would inherited the fortune of his father's. His birthright, what almost was once about to be handed over Fico. Enzo was glad that neither Fico nor Francesca were present at Naples for this joyous occasion. He didn't want them to cause any trouble. And he hoped that after the rehabilitation Fico would come back to his senses.

Enzo didn't saw Kate on that day in the morning. Surprisingly she was still fast asleep. So without meeting her, he left to do his unfinished work.


When Kate woke up, she saw it was already past noon. She gasped and then looked back at Santo. Her little devil was still sleeping. Santo woke up many times. So Kate had barely slept through the night. She brushed his hair with her hands loving then got out from the bed to freshen up.

When she went downstairs, she was then informed that Enzo already went out. Leona then suggested that they should go to salon and to look presentable for the event they were hosting in the evening. Kate was still unaware what the event was about. So when she asked Leona, both Gianna and Leona had gasped at her question,

"You don't know the details?"

Kate just shook her head. Then she heard the two women cursing.

"I think it's better if you ask Lorenzo about this." , said Gianna in a polite manner.

Kate was about to insist her when the maid came running, informing her about Santo's awakening. So she dropped the matter right there and went to her room.


Kate looked at the gorgeous woman whose reflection she could see in the mirror. Herself. She didn't even remember when was the last time she dressed so elegantly . After Santo's birth, she never had enough time for herself to be dolled up like this. She did a twirl before mirror and saw her dress with an awe. She made the best choice selecting this dress. She did a light makeup and saw herself again in the mirror then got of the room.

Enzo was waiting downstairs with his cousin Leo while looking after their children. Santo was running in circles around Leo's daughter, Maria. Enzo's gaze then had fixed at the little baby. Having a daughter was so much different than a boy. Girl babies were usually quiet and they played with their dolls very well whereas the boys were always noisy, they run around the house like a marathon and very easily got bored playing any games for a long time. Exactly as Santo. For the last fifteen minutes the boy constantly had been running from here and there and gave each one of them kisses. But he was way too adorable.

Then after waiting for like an hour, Kate finally walked into the room, taking Enzo's breath away. She looked absolutely utterly gorgeous. Her floor touch burgundy dress had suited her perfectly. She did her brunette hair  in updo style. She looked perfect in every fucking way. And right then all he wanted to do was ripping that dress of her he would take her hard and would go on till she couldn't walk for days.

Kate was extremely happy that Enzo was wearing the tie she bought for his birthday. Then she was observing Enzo's expression. By looking at him, she knew right away that he still hadn't notice it yet. So she smiled wickedly  and gave a little twirl for her husband. And then finally Enzo noticed the deep v back dress of hers.


He could see her velvet milky soft back of v line as it was exposed. He could also see the wicked smile of hers. That damn woman was testing his patience.

Taking long steps towards her and finally he took her by the arms and said,

"Don't tell me, you just bought only this damn dress!"

"How well  do you understand me, husband! Yes, this the one and only dress I bought"

"Are you trying to make me go all crazy? Is that the way of yours teasing me?"

Getting closer to his ear, she whispered,

"Is it working, husband ?"

When Enzo's glared at her, she just gave her innocent smile, teasing Enzo more.

Taking her by waist, he swore,

"You are not leaving my side tonight, not even for a second!"

"Huh! Good luck with that, Enzo"

Then she walked away from him and went straight towards Santo, giving Enzo a clear view of her back.


Enzo took a separate car with Kate and Santo on his way to the event. His son was blabbering his baby talk while sitting at the backseat of the car on the baby car seat. Then they were half way , Enzo took a small velvet jewellery box out of his suit pocket and gave it to her.

"What's this Enzo?"

"Open it"

Opening the box, she saw a beautiful yet simple pair of diamond drop earrings. Then she looked back at her husband.

"Wear it, cara. It will look good on you"

"Why the sudden gift?"

"Can't a husband just pamper his wife?"

Rising an eyebrow at him, she gave him a questioning look.

"Thank you very much. I really really liked it" she said while putting on the earrings

Then talk her hand to his mouth he kissed it and said, "I m glad that you like it"

Kate blushed at that sudden gesture then broke free from his hand.


Soon after they reached their destination. Getting of the car, Kate was mesmerised with the beautifully decorated place. She was amazed with the work. Then she mentally wished that her camera were with her! Since that wasn't possible, she let of the matter. Kate then  was reunited with Leona and Gianna and started to enjoy the evening.

There was a huge gathering. She didn't know a single person in the room other than the few family members she had met with. So she was glad that Leona had stayed with all the time. Then she looked at Enzo. He was so busy greeting and welcoming the guests. She looked at him with awe. Enzo was like a celebrity and hell he was even treated as one, she couldn't have ever believed if she hadn't seen with her own eyes. What was up to those people. And everyone seem quite familiar with her husband. So her husband was a social personnel, she thought to herself.

Santo fussed beside Kate when he didn't get enough attention from his mother. He was thrashing himself at her making her flinch. Then suddenly Enzo came to rescue her, He took Santo on his arm and again mixed in the crowd.

Suddenly Kate felt all alone. She was all by herself. Looking around her she saw everyone knew each other except her. She felt being out of that place. Then Gianna came hurriedly by her side with a crying daughter in her arm, gesturing Kate to take Maria in her lap, she said,

"Can you hold her for a moment? I need to use the bathroom"

"Of course" Kate replied taking the baby from Gianna.

After leaving her daughter to Kate, Gianna went right away.

Kate once again was alone with a baby who was staring at her with bright eyes. Kate cooed her a little then the baby calmed down. Placing the baby on her lap Kate played with the baby's soft hair and whispered,

"It's just you and me now, Maria"


(Not edited)

Hold Onto Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें