Ch 5

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                          Naples, Italy

Kate let out a groan while she was coming back to consciousness. Her head was pounding and there was a loud ringing in her ear. When she tried to open her eyes, her eyelids still felt heavy. Fuck! What had they done to her! She tried again to open her eyes with force and saw she was lying down the floor. Touching the floor with the palm of her hands, she tried to sit up. The room was an average size. A double bed, 2 doors and some toys lying around the floor. That's it.

Santo! Her son. He wasn't in the room!

Standing up to her feet, she ran forward to the door of her left and it the door opened to a bathroom. Leaving the door, she went straight right to her side and move the doorknob, only to be found it lock. She banged on the door; screaming, cursing, begging to give her son back to her. But no response came. Tears flowing down her cheeks rapidly that she didn't get the time to swipe them off. Her chest was aching. She had also problems taking the breathing. She collapsed on the floor and poured her heart out into crying.

Almost an hour later, the door opened. She jerked back. Instantly Santo came to her view and she ran towards him carrying into her arms like her life were depended on his. Then followed by a man, in his early sixties greeted her. She had never met this person in her life. Slowly she backed down, away from the man. But the man looked oddly familiar.


Her son's sweet voice snapped her mind back to her son. She was checking her son throughly. Thank God! he was safe and sound.

"Don't worry, Nuora. He is completely healthy" deep Italian accent flew through his voice.

His demanding aura suddenly reminded her of her husband, Enzo. Christ! Had Enzo notice their disappearance? Please God! Help him to find us, she prayed mentally.

"Don't come any closer, stay where you are right now."

"Don't fear me, amato. I mean no harm"

"Why have you abducted us? Do you want money? My husband can give you a lot of that, just spare my son , spare us" she said while fresh new tears started to fall off her cheeks.

Chucking the old man replied, "Why would I want my own son's money!"

Kate stared at him blankly. It couldn't be true. If Enzo's father was alive then definitely he would have mentioned it to her. This man had to be lying. Although now she could the put the familiarities of this man and her husband. Right! They were a lot similar. So was Santo! She looked at her boy and then back at the man standing before her.

"I guess we officially haven't introduced yet, that's why you aren't acknowledging me. Well,  I m Anthony Rossi. Father of your husband. And Grandfather of this adorable boy in your arm"

Kate held Santo tighter. This man was sick. And here he was blabbering as he pleased.

Sensing her discomfort, Anthony didn't want to push this further.Instead he said,

"Listen here, nuora. I understand this must be quite confusing to you. So you better relax here. No one's gonna hurt you. Your husband has already been informed about your location. Im assuming he has already landed. Therefore it may take an hour or so to reach here"

Kate blinked rapidly consuming every word he said. Before she could say anything. Anthony started again,

"And of course if you want to go things smoothly then you must cooperate with me. Therefore, no unnecessary shouting or nagging. If you do so, I'll take your son away from you. So you better behave or bear the consequences.Like they said back at your house : 'one wrong move and you lose your son', understood?"

Terrified as she was, she just nodded her head numbly.


(Not edited)

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