Ch 17

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Santo might be in his father's arm, meeting with several persons but his baby eyes were looking for his mother. Then he finally spotted her. But he didn't like the view he got to see. Therefore he started to fuss over Enzo's arm, snapping Enzo's attention back to him,

"Mama, mama!" Pointing his small chubby finger at his mother's direction.

So Enzo had followed Santo's gaze and went back to Kate. When he was close enough, Santo stared crying hysterically. Enzo couldn't understand his son's suddenly crying nor did Kate.

"Is you tummy aching, baby?" Asked Kate to his son.

But Santo just kept shaking his head and gesturing Kate to give him a hug while he putting both of his chubby hands forward at Kate. Almost making him fall out of  Enzo's embrace. They both were confused at their son's behaviour.

Gianna then hurriedly came back to the scene and saw Santo was crying uncontrollably even though both of his parents were present. Then it clicked her. She took Maria out of  Kate's lap and Enzo put Santo back to his mother. Instantly Santo stopped crying, holding Kate tightly, no intention of ever letting go.

"I see! Little Santo was upset to see Maria at his mother's lap"

At explained a lot to the little devil's parents and they broke out into laughing

"What will you do when your mother will hold your little baby brother or sister all the time, huh Santo?!" Gianna kept teasing Santo.

But Santo paid no attention to her, while the parents of the little devil, blushed at the thought.

Enzo was shaking his head in disbelief, then he spotted a certain person. Taking his leave to the ladies, he went to greet his special guests.

Then almost simultaneously, Leona came running towards the ladies and rumbled something in Italian which Kate couldn't understand, so she said sheepishly ,

"Can you repeat that again? Um maybe in English this time?

Taking another breath Leona said,

"Bitchy Stella had arrived with her father just now"

Kate was surprised. She hadn't expected to see her husband's ex-fiancé here. Heck! She didn't even know the guest list.

"Has she now?" Kate couldn't help but clenched her teeth.

"You know about her?" Asked a surprised Leona.

"Of course I have! My husband's ex finance and his brother's ex wife"

"No, they are still married. Stella just lives at her father's house now" corrected Gianna.

Suddenly Kate felt extremely insecure. Leona noticed that and said,

"Hey! Don't be sad. My brother is all yours. He has set his eyes only on you. Trust me I could tell", then Leona winked at her.

And Kate blushed at her comment.

Then Gianna started teasing too, "Yeah! And Leona here told me what happened on the other day!"

Kate blushed even more, and said,

"There's nothing like that as you both are imagining. Things are a bit rough at the moment. There's this tension between us and I just don't know what I should do"

"In that case leave Santo tonight with me and enjoy your time with your husband", Gianna suggested while winking at her.

"Eww! Sorella, teen alert", said Leona while covering her ears, making the old two women to laugh.

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