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Enzo was waiting outside for Kate,but instead Theresa came and asked him to come inside. But politely declined and said to fetch Kate, as they were running late.

Theresa was quite uncomfortable, she couldn't know how to tell him, but he had to know,

"Son, Kate left for Chicago in the morning, and told me to hand over this letter to you", she then gave him the letter and said,

"Don't be mad at her. She just need time to- "

"Why didn't you inform me sooner?" Enzo interrupted her.

Fuck! How can Kate be so stupid! She shouldn't have risked her life and their son's just because she "needed time to adjust".Cazzo! She could've discussed the matter with Enzo directly! But no! She had to run away from him.

Theresa couldn't answer anything to Enzo, as she was embarrassed that she couldn't stop Kate, doing such childish act. But when Kate started sobbing hysterically, Theresa couldn't say no to her. Obviously Kate didn't tell her foster mother about the whole thing that happened in the last few weeks, just said that Enzo's family lived there, and Enzo then wanted to settled down in Naples.

Enzo then opened the letter and read,

" Hello Enzo,

First don't get mad when you reached here. I need more time to compose myself and also I don't want to leave from here just yet. Please try to understand my condition.

Don't worry about us. We will be back soon. Till I accept my present conditions, I want you to give me some space. I don't know how long that will take. But I'll try to contact you soon.


Enzo crushed the small paper in his hands and glared at Theresa, "I hope you bid farewell to your daughter properly, because mark my words that was the last time you'd ever see Kate"

With that Enzo left Theresa, who was sobbing uncontrollably.


Kate was feeling terrible in the morning, she had been throwing up for the last 2 days. Also she had a slight fever. By the time she went to check up on Santo, she almost passed out from dizziness.

Fuck! What had happened to her?! If that continued how'd she look after Santo!

But she had nowhere else to go and she absolutely couldn't go back to Enzo right then. She had not that much courage to face him yet. But she had to do something and soon.

Leaving her with no other choice, she called someone, whom she thought she would never see the person again. She dialled the number and after a few rings, the call answered,


Taking a deep breath, Kate said,

"Nicola, It's me. Please don't inform Enzo just yet and-d I m desperately need your help right now, so please help me"

"Oh god Kate! We all have been worried sick for both of you! Where are you honey?"

"Promise me You won't inform Enzo, swear on his life, Nicola, Please"

Thinking for a moment, Nicola replied,

"Alright. I promise. Now tell me where you are!"

Kate rambled the location she had been staying secretly for almost a week and after hanging up the phone she rest her head on the wall. Her sickness was getting worse and closing her eyes, she mentally prayed that she could stay conscious until Nicola came.


When Nicola came, she was shocked to see Kate's condition. After then they went to Nicola's house, where Nicola rarely stayed, if she wasn't in the Orphanage.

Kate was burning high from fever, and Nicola put her on bed and looked after Santo for the time being. She was debating with her inner self that whether she should inform Enzo or not. Then thinking about a lot, she held herself back.

By the time Kate woke up from sleep, she felt much better than before. It was early in the morning. God! She slept through the whole night!

Leaving out of the room, she went to look for his mother-in-law and found her playing with Santo in the living area. When Nicola noticed her presence, she got up to her feet and hugged Kate.

"Thank god! You are okay."

Returning Nicola's embrace, Kate replied,

"Yeah, All thanks to you. Thank you Nicola for helping me and not telling Enzo about us"

"That's enough already Kate. Enzo is suffering so much. You should inform him right away"

"No! Not yet, Please Nicola. I m scared"

"Oh honey" saying that she pulled Kate to a motherly hug and continued, "Enzo must be mad but he would never do anything to harm you"

Shaking her head, Kate replied, "I know that. I'm afraid because what if he take Santo away from me. Because I m sure after all these he won't even want to see my face"

"Oh Kate! Then why did you do it"

Not replying her Mother-in-law, she just sobbed in her arms.Nicola didn't push the conversation and just held her closer.


Nicola was sitting in the dining table, carefully observing Kate. She had been doing that all day. She was afraid that Kate still hadn't figured out yet. After putting Santo to sleep, the two women sat against each other.

"Kate, I want you to be honest with me, okay?"

Kate just nodded her head.

"Are you pregnant?"


(Not edited )

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