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Resting her head on the car window, Kate was looking outside while carrying Santo on her lap, who was fast asleep. They were on the way back to their Chicago house. Kate didn't have other choice but to follow her husband's instructions. She felt extremely tired. In the last 24 hours, her life changed to a different direction. It was an utter mess.

Kate was in deep thought that she didn't even realise when Enzo got out of the car and came in front of her car door. Opening the door for her, he took Santo out of her lap and carried him inside. Kate obviously followed him behind.


After putting Santo in his bed, Enzo found Kate who was sitting in the hall, hands on her head.Enzo could see Kate was struggling to keep herself steady. She looked beyond exhausted and if she really was pregnant then that stress was neither good for her health nor for the baby. Walking up to her side, he said,

"You should get some sleep, Kate. It seems like you are about to pass out."

She looked up and saw his calm posture. But Kate was afraid that Enzo might take Santo away from her.

Sensing her doubt, Enzo continued, "I m not taking Santo away from you, not at least now.So you can go and have some sleep"

Kate was too tired to argue with him, so instead she went to her room and the moment she lay on the bed, her mind and body both gave away to sleep.


When Nicola came out of Santo's room, she saw Enzo was pacing in the dinning hall. She could tell her son was doing his best to control his anger.

"Sit down Lorenzo, before you head starts to spin!"

Enzo's head snapped at her and suddenly he got hold of his mother, "How long have they been in your house?....You should have contacted me the moment you found them. So why didn't you?"

Placing her hands on Enzo's face, she replied, "Kate called me yesterday and asked for help. And I did what I thought the best for both of you!"

"You knew what hell I have been going through! Heck! I thought the worst that might happened to them. You shouldn't have kept this to yourself. I have the every right to know about their whereabouts!", Enzo said while pushing his mother away but Nicola caught his hands right away, and said,

"Calm down, Son. You can't act like this around Kate. You know She might be pregnant and all these stress are not good for her since she is still in the early stage."

Fuck! He had already his hands full with the shits he was dealing and then added an unexpected baby!

"Did she say how far along is she?"

Nicola just shook her head.

"Alright. First thing, I'll have to take her for the checkups in the morning. So will be please stay here with Santo?"

"Of course, Son."

Enzo thanked her mother and was about to head towards his bedroom when Nicola stopped his by taking his arm, "Son, be patient with Kate- "

Enzo was going to stop Nicola with her speech but Nicola continued,

"I understand what she did was dangerous but she was in mental distress, she barely had time in Naples to except her new life and you didn't give her much of a choice. You both acted ignorantly and now facing the consequences."

Enzo listened to his mother silently. What she was saying, weren't completely unreasonable but Enzo was too egoistic bastard to admit that.

"Now, Lorenzo. Think carefully and act wisely. Your one wrong move can destroy the life which you both built together. Think about Kate. You are the only family she has. Don't just push her away for her one stupid mistake"

"I'm trying mother. But I can't get her betrayal out of my mind."

"It's alright to be angry with her. But don't act violently. Now off you go and try to sleep."

Nodding his head and giving Nicola a hug while kissing her cheek, Enzo headed towards his room.


(Not edited )

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