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Enzo was in a sour mood after leaving Kate and Santo in his old room, then he went to look for his father. Finally the time came to end that charade. He might feel content after getting such warm welcome but he hadn't forgot his father's deeds. The agony he went through especially on his birthday, he couldn't forgive his father. Moreover, his wife's blood had drawn, and someone needed to suffer for that. He would have his revenge.

Ramiz was on his night duty when he saw his boss's newly returned first born was coming at his direction. Without notice, Enzo started to pound on Ramiz with hard punches, drawing blood coming out of his mouth and nose. Ramiz didn't even try to fight back. He was expecting this. His sin was already done and he knew he had to pay the price for hurting his wife.

Enzo saw red and nothing else. He wanted to murder that bastard with his bare hands. He punched Ramiz so hard that his knuckles then started to hurt. But he enjoyed the pain.

"Touch my wife ever again with those filthy hands, giuro su Dio! I'll chop your hands off, Inteso?"

"Śi, boss"

With that Enzo released that scum and went to his father's study, to his last prey.


Anthony didn't seem surprised when his son disturbed his work with visible stress in his face. But he needed Enzo to calm down before they had 'the talk'

"Enough with your playing, vecchi bacucco! Now speak"

"Calmati figlio. Here, have a seat. It'll be a long night, come."

Gesturing his son to seat in his arm chair, Anthony handed campari to his son. Enzo needed that damned liquor. After few drinks, Enzo finally had able to loose his muscles free.

Then Anthony started,

" I have done many nasty things to protect my power and position, but I have no regrets regarding that. Except for one"

Enzo crooked his eyebrows at his father but didn't say anything yet, so Anthony continued,

"I regret not holding you back, and worst mistake I have ever done would be making Fico my damn successor. That good for nothing child of mine can't seem to care anything but his dick. I should have known better."

Enzo was agreed with father about Fico. Enzo knew about Fico's gambling, whoring and destroying his father's empire. Raul had keep him updated with the informations. He had kept tabs on each of them. So of course he knew the basics.

"I can't change the past even though God knows how I badly want to, but I can control the future. You can control the future. It's upon you, the success of my empire lay."

"Cut the chase, padre. And state what do you want from me?"

"Like I said, be my successor and claim your rights"

Shaking his head, Enzo couldn't believe his father was actually suggesting him that. More like pleading.

"What makes you think I'll do that? And don't you dare drag my wife into this or, I will chop your tongue off"

"Watch your tone with me, Lorenzo. Don't forget you are in Naples now, in my house, surrounded with my men. I'll just have to snap my one finger and your family will fall over."

"And you don't forget that you need me, so if you want me to cooperate then fuck off those threats!"

"It's not just me, figlio. Many of our enemies are hiding in shadows to strike any time now. And you need that power, the position to protect your family. So let's join hands and expand our fortune"

"First of all, those are your enemies, not mine. I m not concerned even if your whole empire fall down. You and your son,Fico will be responsible for that. And secondly, those enemies of yours have been a faithful clients of mine over the 3 years now."

"That's exactly why I want you to take my place, in here. You can turn those enemies back to our allies again."

"No, I m not doing that for you"

"Figlio, you have been trained in your whole life for this day to happen, don't throw this away now. It would be a waste"

By saying that Anthony knew he had hit a nerve. After all Enzo was his own flesh and blood. And they were extremely proud of their own to bear.

"Didn't you see Santino, how happy he was, in his home. It's his birthright, Lorenzo. Don't deny him that"

Enzo understood that much even if he didn't want to admit it. Cazzo! His father was right. He had been waiting for this day to come when he could claim his inheritance. And when it had finally come, he was at loss, debating with his inner self what step he should take.

Anthony could see his son was his own deep thoughts. Good! At least Lorenzo was considering the facts.

"It's been a long day for you son. You don't have to give your answer right now. Go, have some rest and sleep on it. But don't make me wait too long."

Enzo badly needed time to think and compose himself. Within just a day his life was fucked up.

"Alright" with that Enzo left his father in the study room.


Enzo couldn't stop thinking about his father's offer. The day had finally come but not the way he had planned all those years ago. He was torn between his past desire and his new build family. Damn! He missed Kate in his bed. Missed holding her body while kissing her brains out. Thinking about her, raw desire flew down to his body and he saw himself becoming hard. Cazzo! He needed to think properly and act fast. Because he didn't know long he could hold him up before he would reach his limit and fall down.


(Not edited)

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