Ch 6

31 4 0

Naples, Italy

Kate was exhausted by the time Santo fell asleep in her lap. She was undeniably hungry and thirsty, as she refused to take anything to her mouth. She was scared that those people might poison her or worse drugging her, they could take her son away from her. No! She couldn't let that happened. When she tried to get up with a sleeping Santo in her arms, her legs gave out and collapsed on the floor. She had no energy left in her flesh. Damn her! How would be protect her son as well herself in this condition. She was even too tired to cry.She didn't even what the time was and how long had she had been captivated in this house.

Suddenly she thought what if the old man tricked her! What if he was lying the fact that disclosing her location to her husband. There was so much 'What if' went through her mind and she just couldn't let herself sitting on the floor all long not even trying to escape this. Then she pushed herself to her limit and used her all left strength to get up and put Santo on the comforting bed. After that she throughly checked the room but couldn't find a leak. Feeling frustrated and annoyed at her condition, she once again started to bang on the door and screaming to let them go out of this hell. At her sudden outburst, Santo woke up instantly and started crying loudly.

Hearing her son's ear piercing cry, it made her even more miserable. Then with shaky legs she went to her son to comfort him. Suddenly the door of the room burst open, standing the old man with frowning. But this time he was not alone. There was a timid petite girl standing behind him, looking not older than eighteen, with a horrifying gaze in her face.

"Take the child away from her, Leona"

Kate's grip on her son tighten. No one's gonna take her son away. But suddenly the petit girl  walked towards kate and put her hands forward.

" Get your hands off me. Please, help me."
Kate begged the teen with a pleading eyes.

Leona's hand froze and she looked back at her uncle. Anthony then surprised both of the girls as he came forward and before Kate barely could say something, Santo was snatched from her grip and Anthony handed the toddler to Leona. Kate kept trying to break free from the old man's grip but she failed miserably. He signalled the teen to head outside as he pushed kate back to the floor.

Leona was headed out of the room with a crying baby in her arms, then a shadow stopped her. There was standing Fico, with a bandage in his head. Then Fico came forward and looked at the child and said,

"Lorenzo's child?"

Leona just nodded her head.

When Anthony saw Fico was gazing at the child, he told leona to hurry and leave the wing, while handling a crying mess of a daughter-in-law.

Leona went hurriedly without looking back. Fico was about to enter the room, wanting to meet the stranger standing in front him.

Kate's heart was bleeding seeing her son disappearing like that. Then when the strange man came in the room, she wanted to hide from everyone present in this room.

"Leave the room, Fico. I strictly told you not to come here"

Ignoring his father's burst, Fico kept checking out the woman who was in his father's deadly grip. The woman was quite a beauty, he thought. Even  though she was not in her best self,she appeared to be an attractive woman.Damn that Lorenzo! He really hit a jackpot.

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