Ch 27

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Enzo was trying his best not to lose his control. After all he didn't want to hurt her. Not intentionally, but he wanted her to feel the agony that he had been going through since the day, she runaway from him. Taking small steps, he got closer to her position.

Kate was still sitting on the floor, down with her head. She didn't have the courage nor the energy within her body to face his husband's wrath. Heck! She wasn't even got over the phase that she might be pregnant. Then she noticed, she was holding one of the tested kits in her hand. Slowly she turned the hand behind her back, so that Enzo wouldn't see it.

Enzo had enough with Kate's silence, so he grabbed her arms and jerked her, making her to meet his gaze. When their eyes met, Enzo saw the emptiness in her eyes, while Kate saw the pure rage in his.

"Tell me Kate, did you have your fun?"

Fresh new tears then formed in her eyes, ran down to her cheeks. She didn't even bother to wipe those away. Neither did Enzo. Instead she grabbed her tight and said,

"Talk to me, Kate. How dare you take my son away from me and put both of your lives in danger! Huh"

"I t-told you in m-my letter, that I-I need- ", Kate started to reply him in a rasped voice but Enzo stopped her,

"Enough with you shit. For your own selfishness, look what have you done to us, to Santo" Enzo roared at her, making Kate to flinch in his hold, "Fuck Kate! Look at yourself, you look like dead"

"You did this to me, You! you are responsible for my misery", Then Kate tired to push his away with her one spared, but Enzo didn't even bulge an inch, instead he grabbed her neck and said,

"Don't test me Kate, I m not a patient person"

Gripping her neck tighter, he continued,

"Give one good reason, that I don't take my son away from here and leave you behind"

"You wouldn't dare, Enzo", Kate replied his in a challenging tone.

"Try me, Kate. You have no idea how the fuck I'm restraining myself from hurting you. So give a fucking reason!" Saying that he pulled Kate up to her feet.

Kate wasn't prepared for the sudden action, so when Enzo her up, she lost her balance and her legs gave away, making her to grab Enzo's back with both of her hands. In the process she dropped the kit from her and it instantly fell on the floor due to gravity, making a dinky noise.

Enzo didn't expect her to lose her balance like this, maybe he was a bit rougher than he thought. But before he could check on her, his eyes noticed something on the floor. He bent down to grab it while supporting Kate on the other hand.

Kate was waiting for him to snap at her. She knew it was useless to hide from him. Yet she did anyway. So, she had to face the consequences then.

"What the fuck is this, Kate?"

Looking at his eyes she replied, " You can see for yourself "

Enzo had let go of her and checked the kit in one hand and other one was going through his hair as if to scraped his head out.

Shaking his head, he said, "You are pregnant?"

But Kate didn't reply anything to him. She just stared into his eyes. Trying to understand what the hell was going on his mind.

Was he happy? Or sad?

When Kate kept mum, Enzo burst, "Tell me, Kate. Because the kit is clearly showing the positive sign"

"What if I m?"

Enzo froze at her blunt reply. He was mentally praying that she would deny. That she actually wasn't pregnant. But to his horror, she was hinting the possibility, that showed the test kit.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me clearly. Are you  pregnant or not?"

Then she looked away from him and quietly sat on the bed. Taking a long breath, she replied,

"I'm not sure yet"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Exactly what I just said. I took the tests at home and you can see the results. But these are not 100% reliable so-"

Kate couldn't even finish her sentence then Enzo took her hands roughly and dragged her to the door.

"Enzo, what the hell! Unhand me now!"

But Enzo didn't care nor was interested in her talking. So he continued and getting them out of the room, he was his mother who hurriedly came to them.

"Son, what are you doing? Leave her"

Glaring at her mother, he replied, "Did you know she might be pregnant?"

Nicola then looked at Kate who was struggling to get out of Enzo's grip but continuously failed. Then looking back at Enzo, she replied,

"She took the tests an hour ago"

Frustrated at her reply, he let of Kate's hand and took the vase that was near him and threw it on the other direction, making a loud noise and broken pieces of the glass scattered on the floor.

"Lorenzo! Santo's sleeping in the other room. You'll wake- "

Nicola couldn't even finish her sentence, then heard Santo's crying. Then she glared at her and said, "Great! You woke him up already"

Kate was froze in her position, collecting herself together. But her mind snapped back to reality when she heard Santo's rasped voice calling out for his mama. Then she turned around and started walking towards the door.

Enzo looked at his wife turning her body to their son's room, then he noticed Kate was barefoot.

Fuck! Damn that woman!

Almost immediately  Enzo stopped her from behind and asked his mother to check up on Santo.

"And mother, bring Santo to my car, we are leaving from here. Also It would be best for you to come with us"

"We aren't going anywhere with you- ... oh ahhh! Enzo let go of my hand! You are hurting me"

Enzo ignored her and said to Nicola, "Now, mother!"

Nicola hurriedly went to Santo's room.

Enzo then looked back at Kate and pulling her closer, he brought his one hand behind her back and other beneath her knee, then abruptly he took her in bridal style, making her to lock her hands around his neck to keep her balance.

"What the fuck are you doing, Enzo?"

Then he held her gaze and replied,

"Taking you to your own personal hell"


(Not edited )

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