[ Chapter 9 - Unknown Number ]

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His plead was apparent.

Cana, please. 

Two words that had two problems. 

One was the fact that he called me by my name. He never calls me by my name, it was always Vandia this, Vandia that. 

Two, he said please. He was pleading, something I never thought a Beta would do. 

I knew that they were human as well but I never have seen anyone from Beta plead all my life, he was the first. I've always thought that they would rather die than ask for any sort of help. 

I turned around and looked him straight in the eyes. 

Those eyes are probably the bluest eyes I have ever seen. His stare burned right into me, he didn't want me to exit that door and he was doing all he could to stop me. Using his will power to make me turn and come back. The fact that I was facing him made him triumphant. 

"For a future doctor, you don't seem to quite understand the situation you are in. Why won't you just let the nurse help?" I sighed. 

"Being taken care of by the nurse means filling up personal information sheets, that would be a drag," he slumped back at the bed as if he was convinced that I was not going to go out anymore. 

"That is your reason?" I almost screamed. 

"And they will also notify your parents," he added and that was when it finally hit me. 

He didn't want to worry about his foster parents, was he being considerate of them? Was he actually fond of them? Memories of his banter with Tony in front of the examination hall came back, he only got defensive when Tony mentioned his family. 

I guess he really cared for them. 

I paced toward him. 

"Jack Aceson Juarez actually has a soft side to him after all," I managed a smile as I teased him. 

He looked vulnerable as he held the ice pack back to his chest. I've never seen him this transparent, he always placed huge barriers around people. 

He seemed to pout and I bit my lower lips, he looked kinda cute. 

I opened the cabinet of the bed table and found Tylenol for pain relief and a stack of clean bandages. He told me to ice it a little before bandaging it up and so I did. 

I tried my best to recall the lessons I had of first aids back in high school. I beamed proudly when I was able to properly bandage his ankle. He would recoil every now and then when I seem to touch a painful spot but I was still able to finish it well. 

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