[ Chapter 20 - Big Ben ]

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"You really have got to stop those remark of yours," I sighed and headed back to the room. Ace followed right behind me, he was still laughing cheekily. 

"But I love seeing you blush," he reasoned and I sighed again. 

I was about to throw myself in bed, again, when he grabbed me by my waist and placed his forehead against mine. 

"I know we didn't come here to have fun but I really hope we would, I hope this trip would make us closer than before," he gave me a peck on the lip. A simple gesture that made my heart skip a beat.

He still tasted like the garlic bread he ate during our flight, it made me laugh to myself. He gave me a questioning look but I shook my head to shrug it off. We had fallen asleep again, clinging tightly to each other. 

By the time I woke up, he was not by my side anymore, he had left the bed. I checked my watch, it was already 8 am. An hour left and we would finally make our way to the Nightingale Hospital. 

I stretched a little before pulling myself out of bed. I went straight to the shower room. I really wanted to try the bathtub but I simply just wanted to refresh myself a little, a quick shower was going to be good enough. 

I was wrapped in my robe when I got outside. I was comfortable enough to wear just my robes in front of Ace now. When I got out of the Master's bedroom, into the living room, I found Ace talking to someone on the phone, there was food on the dining table. 

"Are you sure, Ceasar?" Ace sounded frustrated. 

"We'll be careful then," Ace sighed and ended the call. 

"Something wrong?" I asked. The crease in his forehead immediately disappeared when he saw me. He looked at me from head to toe, grinned, and bit his lower lips. 


I rolled my eyes and decided to get change immediately because I  knew we would not be able to have a serious conversation as long as I was just in my robes. 

When I got back out, he was on another call. 

"Gail, this is serious matters," he was rubbing his temple now. 

"Alright, thanks," he ended the call.

I was already frowning this time around. I was not jealous of Abigail because he was on the phone with Ace, I was also not mad at her for giving me my hip injury during Sports Fest, I was just annoyed that I had no idea what was going on with him. 

"I would catch the next flight back to New York if you don't tell me what is going on," I scowled.

"I wasn't going to keep it a secret, I'll tell you during the ride, for now, let's enjoy breakfast, shall we?" he gestured for me to sit in front of him and so I did. 

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