For the love of a Stark - Avengers - Steve x Reader

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She would lie next to him night after night and listen to him say her name. At first, she thought that it was something that she could deal with, something that would stop given time.

Steve would tell her everyday that he loved her; he would hold her close and kiss her, trying to alleviate her fears. He insisted on having her close by his side on missions, and if she couldn't be with him, then Bucky took his place as her guardian. But still, after over a year of giving her everything to Steve, that one name would still play on his lips during his sleep.

She had been planning on her way out for some time; she had spoken to Fury, and Tony had fixed her up with somewhere to live; both men promising not to share her whereabouts with the Captain. No one else knew about her plans to depart the tower or the man she loved; she wasn't even sure that she could do it herself; but that was before tonight.

She watched with tears rolling down her cheeks as Steve tossed and turned, holding desperately onto his pillow as he said her name over and over again.


Her heart broke as a smile seemed to spread across his lips every time he said that accursed name.

She slowly got out of the bed, dressing quietly, and taking from its hiding place the bag she had packed, and the letter she had written.

Carefully she leaned across the bed, kissing Steve softly on the forehead. "Goodbye Steve, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." She whispered, as she took a last look at the man she loved.

As quietly as possible, she opened the door to their shared room, stepping out into the hall, and shutting the door on her old life.

She made her way further down the hall coming up to Bucky's door, knocking softly, she waited for the soldier to appear.

"(Y/n) doll, what's wrong, is Steve ok?" Bucky asked her as he stood in his doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Steve's fine Buck. I've just come to tell you that I'm leaving; I can't take it anymore. No matter what I do, I can't compete with a dead woman; so, I'm doing the only thing I can, and I'm leaving. I just need you to give Steve this letter in the morning, it will explain everything." (Y/n) told him, handing the small note to a shocked Bucky.

"(Y/n), you can't leave, Steve loves you, I know he does." Bucky told her, taking her arm gently.

"No Buck. Steve loves Peggy, always has, and always will; I can't even think about competing with her." (Y/n) said, kissing her friend gently on the cheek as she pulled her arm away from his hand.

"I love you Buck, and I love Steve more than anything; but I can't take my heart being broken every night. Give him the letter, and look after him for me, ok?" She said, giving the super soldier a small tender hug before she was gone from the tower, and from his life.


Steve woke slowly to the blaring noise of his alarm; reaching over, he hit the button, stopping the incessant din. Turning back over, he went to reach his arm around the woman that should have been sleeping by his side, his eyes opening instantly as his arm found nothing but cold sheets.

A sudden knock made Steve spring from his bed; swinging open the door, he found an angry red faced Bucky.

"If you are looking for (Y/n) its too late, she left early this morning. She asked me to give this to you." Bucky said, pushing the letter into Steve's hand, before leaving his bewildered friend behind.

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