#Chapter 2

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*Rose's POV*

We hit the bank of the river and started to climb the stairs. There were so many, it got me tired.

Plus, if this was a magic school, why couldn't the stairs move upwards by itself?

We reached these large door which swung open at once.

A lady, that looked like a cat, and had alot of wrinkles around her, with a stern face, came out.

She took us into a huge hall. I walked besides Hermione. I heard many people say wow, I was not sure at what.

Instead, I was looking at my brothers who were sitting on the Gryffindor table. The twins were waving at us. I just ignored them.

"Welcome, I am Professor McGonagall and..."

She started a whole speech there and then. Like come on, we just arrived from a extremely long train ride. At least let us sit down so we can easily zone out.

The Sorting hat, which was meant to sort use into houses, even did a song. I think it was to entertain us, but I almost fell asleep on Hermione. Lucky for me she caught me. That hat had to go to singing classes.

But that wasn't the worst part, it was the fact that the professor starting calling out names alphabetically from surnames. Mine was a W so I was one of the last people.

Actually, scratch that out. I was the last person, Ron went before me. What happened to ladies first?

"Rose Weasley."

I went towards the stool and sat down. Hermione, Harry and all my brothers were starting at me.

"Another Weasley. But you are a tough one."

The hat kept on mumbling things while I stared at the ceiling. How much longer was this going to take? I was starving. What if they were planning to starve me to death?

"...However, different from her 'family.' I am going to put you in...


They all looked at me wide eyed, like literally, every single person, Am I really that beautiful?

The hat was removed from my head, so I went down the Slytherin table, they slowly started to clap for me.

Then someone called Professor Dumbledore stood up. I remembered that time when Bill had forced me to watch this muggle thing, and a muggle in the movie had very long hair! Dumbledore had that exact same thing, but as a beard.

Luckily he said these three random words and we were allowed to start eating. I was still looking for a seat, but no one budged. I ended up sitting right at the edge, this is only because of some kind girl who made space for me.

She was in my year. Her name was Daphne Greengrass.

"Hello, I am Daphne Greengrass. Meet my cousins Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, and Tracey Davis. We are basically related since we all are pure bloods. So I welcome you to our family."

I smiled. At least some people were kind.

"I am glad to be in your family. I'm sure you already know me..." I said.

They nodded. It wasn't really that surprising, after all, I was the first ever Weasley to get sores into Slytherin.

My thoughts trailed on as I pulled food onto my plate.

Dinner time was over, I was really sleepy. I wanted to stand up and go to the place we sleep at. But the headmaster of the school had other plans, a speech. To be honest, I have never had these many speeches all my life.

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