#Chapter 4

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*Rose's POV*

After I had explained about Sev, we had all gone to the Great Hall for breakfast.

It hadn't been too bad.

Once we wete done, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, Pansy and I stood up from the Slytherin table to go towards our first class.

We were very early, so we sat on a huge rock, waiting.

I took out my Potions book and sweets that I took from the train and started to read it while Draco told some dad jokes.

I was laughing at one when I heard an angry voice shout, "Hey!"

Looking up from my book, I saw that it was Ron and Harry.

We rolled our eyes as they came closer. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sniggered. I stood up to see why they had interrupted us.

"Stay away from my sister Malfoy!"

I snorted.

"Yeah, stay away from her!" Harry added.

Wait what?! Why would he care?

"First of all, Ronald, your family disowned me, so I am no longer your sister. Second of all, you do not control me," I say, not knowing where my confidence was coming from.

"Just don't stay close to Malfoy," Ron replied through gritted teeth.

I went near Draco which annoyed Ron. They all started to get aggressive. I just shrugged and went back to sitting on the rock to continue with my reading and eating sweets.

Luckily class started, so there wasn't much wounds except some small bruises here and there.

In Flying Class, we learned how to 'take care' of our brooms, and we even got them to do commands.


Mine and Harry's broom went flying up. After a few tries Draco and Pansy got it, Crabbe and Goyle still failing.

I was looking at other people when I caught the broom hit Ron's face, making me laugh very hard.

Soon it was time to mount our brooms.

Unfortunately, Neville's broom got out of control and he had to be taken to the hospital wing. I only felt a little bad for him because he was kind to me on train, but I didn't really care.

Hermione looked terrified, like she was happy to keep her feet on the ground. I went towards her and rubbed her back. She looked at me and smiled while the other Gryffindors gasped.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"Hey look what Longbottoms dropped," I heard Draco say. It was some kind of ball... I couldn't remember it's name, but it looked familiar.

"Give it back Malfoy!" Harry defended.

Everything happened so fast, Draco was up in the air. Harry was going to go up, but Hermione was stopping him.

Harry still went to chase Draco.

I gasped, I needed to do something, Draco was my friend.

"Draco!"I grabbed my broom, but a hand stopped me. It was Hermione's, she had tears in her eyes.

"Please, don't Rose, what if you get hurt? I can't let you go."

I sighed,"But Draco is my friend, I have too."

I got on my broom, surprisingly, I knew what to do. I chased Harry, who suddenly darted to catch the round object. I flew towards Draco,"Are you alright?"

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