The End of an Era

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"All passengers please fasten your safety belts. We're about to reach our destination."

"Ugh I'm gonna puke again…" Izumi groaned laying her head back against the seat and trying to ignore the bumps and shifts of the airplane making its descent. "Who's bright idea was it to take public transportation?"

"Yours, I believe," Compress told her, humming to the music in his head. "You didn't want to risk borrowing Kurogiri."

"Ah that's right," She groaned and clenched her barf bag tight in hand. "That was stupid."

"You could have asked Twice to use one of your clones to make the deal." Gentle suggested motioning La Brava to settle down when she started jumping in her seat. All of them were in touristy guise, and blending well with the others in the plane.

"No… this is too personal, and besides I'm gonna be out of commission for awhile." She closed her eyes letting out a sigh of relief as the pilot announced their descent. "I need to see this through before I go off the grid."


“Touya, I’m pregnant.” 

Izumi held her belly, watching Touya’s face for a change of expression. Once the words were out, he seemed to go catatonic. His eyes were glazed over, his mouth was slightly opened, and he didn’t move a muscle.

“Touya? Touya?” she called out to her lover in a sing song voice, waving a hand in front of his face. “Hello? Anyone home?” 

Touya Todoroki, the villain best known for being cool and confident and the detrimental knight to the Queen of Villains, was dumbstruck. 

Had he heard her correctly? 

Was this real? 

Izumi was pregnant? 


“I… You…We…” The young knight stammered pointing at her, himself and then down at her belly. “Holy Shit.”

“Yeah that kinda sums it up,” she let out a shaky laugh and stood up. The movement made him panic and he got to his feet and took her hands. 

“Hold up, just hold up, sit back down and let me wrap my head around this.” He sat her back down and knelt in front of her. “You’re really pregnant?” She nodded and he let out a short laugh of disbelief. “Jesus Christ… Does Tomura know?” 

“No, and I don’t plan on telling him because I really don’t think he’s the father.” She gripped his hands. “When Kai rescued me from the hospital they did a thorough look at me, not to mention he used his quirk to rearrange things.” 

“Then…” He gripped her hands tighter, the smile wanting to spread but something in her eyes made him nervous. “Does that mean I’m the father?” 

“Touya…” She pulled her hands free and cupped his face in her hands. “I want it to be, I very much want it to be.” She rubbed his cheeks. “I had sex with Chisaki, so there is a chance that it’s his but-”

“What do you mean you had sex with him? That fucking germaphobic asshole raped you?” He got to his feet and started to rant. “I told you not to trust him, I told you that he-”  

“I know, I know! It’s a long story, and one I really don’t want to get into right now, but listen to me Touya, I don’t care!” She could feel herself getting emotional and forced him to look in her eyes. “I don’t care if it’s his, or not, it doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is who I’m going to be with in the long run… and that’s you.” 

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