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*•*Tokyo's POV*•*

"Babe, Kouvr's coming over. She's gonna help me look for a wedding dress." I say as I open the fridge door.

I feel hands on my hips and lips on my neck. I tilt my head to the side to allow more access.

"Mmmm, Jaden. I've got things to do, baby." I sigh. Jaden groans and lifts his head.

"You and your wedding planning sleep overs get annoying." He complains. I sigh.

"I know I'm sorry, why don't we have a date night tomorrow?" I ask. Jaden smiles.

"That would be perfect, I'll organise it!" He says.

~ ~ ~

"Okay, so, hello to the liiiiiive my fellow Asgardians!"  I smile

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"Okay, so, hello to the liiiiiive my fellow Asgardians!"  I smile. My phone then drops and I gasp.

"Kouvr, please tell me it isn't cracked." I say. Kouvr picks up the phone and shoves her face right into the screen so there's a close-up if her glorious face.

"Nope, no cracks." She smiles. She walks over to my tripod and ring light and sets it up safely.

"Thanks, Ko."

"Anyway, I know everyone was expecting a video explanation on YouTube of why I left the Hype house, but I've decided that an Instagram live is better." I say. Kouvr passes me a bang drink. I take a sip and hand it back.

"So, I guess I should start of by saying that in no way, shape or form do I want any of my fans to start hating on the hype house, mainly Dixie." I start.

"So, um, while the boys were away I decided to stay with Isla, you all should know who Isla is, I didn't want to face the boys when they got back from their road trip and I didn't want to be in a house full of people. So obviously I hadn't been staying at Hype for about a week. On the run up to me staying at Isla's, I've been staying at Sway more often. Obviously, because I'm engaged to Jaden now. So Dixie decided to run her mouth about me to others in the house and some house guests."

"One of you guys tagged me in a screen-recording from Alex's live where you could clearly hear Dixie talking about me."

"So I went over there to confront her about it."

"I put her in her place, and yes we called each other a few names that shouldn't  be used in a way to hurt others. And yes, there was a bit of violence involved. Yes, I slapped her. Yes, she pulled my hair as I was walking away. And yes, that's why I slapped her. But that isn't an excuse."

"Violence, name calling, talking about people behind their back. None of it is right."

"Some of you wanna know how I feel about what Dixie said and truth be told, I feel hurt."

"She was one of my best..." I stop and sniffle. I wipe my eyes before any tears can actually fall.


"Don't say sorry, Tokyo." Kouvr whispered. She wrapped an arm around me.

"Dixie, was one of my best friends and to be talked about like the way she did behind my back hurts. And it feels- it feels like I'm in high school, again."

"Friends should be there for each other not against each other, otherwise you aren't friends and it's toxic."

And with that I end the live.

"Let's look at dresses shall we?" I ask. Kouvr nods and wipes my tears away for me.

580 words.

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