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i was sitting in the library during my free period when i noticed i had two notifications from instagram.

i opened the app up and noticed cynthia and hector both messaged me. oh god.


hey, are you busy? i need to
talk to you

what do you need to
talk about?

i would really appreciate it if
you told your dumbass friends
to stop commenting on my shit
and calling me a home wrecker.

you and mattia are still together
and if anything would've
happened it would not have been
my fault.


you deadass kissed my
boyfriend and you want to put
the blame on him? lmfao get
the fuck out of my dms

you're so blinded LMFAO

you clearly don't know your own boyfriend 😭😭

nah, you're clearly nothing
but a home wrecker.

maybe he left out the part
where he kissed me back
after i pulled away

is that what you wanted to talk
about? cause if so, i'm done
with this conversation

i'm just saying

you may think he's perfect
and in love, but you should've
seen the way he was all over
me at orlando

sucks that you weren't there 🥺

if he's not perfect, then why
are you chasing him LMAO
make it make sense

he's not good for you

you're pathetic, do something
better with your life instead of
trying to ruin relationships

i only ruin relationships when
they're with someone that i
want to be with

but babes i'm just trying to
warn you

he only called you right after
because he wanted to make
himself look better

i'm sorry you had to find out
this way :(

you disgust me.

so i've been told 😘

i frustratingly let my phone drop on to the table as i rub my face. i refuse to believe her but a part of me can't help but overthink about this. what if she's right? what if mattia really did kiss her back but doesn't have the courage to tell me?

he would never do something like that. he never fails to tell me i'm the best girlfriend he's had and i know he wouldn't do anything that would put our relationship on the line.

i sigh as i grab my phone and open my dms with hector.


this may be weird after what
i did to you, but i just wanted
to let you know that i truly do
care about you & it hurts me
seeing you receive so much
hate :(

no idea ❀ mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now